Monday, June 04, 2012

A is for Automobiles

As part of The Summer of Doing Nothing, which is what we're calling these days, I asked my husband to help me figure out our digital camera.  It's a Leica and I'm terrified of it. So I'm going to annoy everyone in the next month or two with pictures I have taken in an attempt to learn how to use my camera.

Why am I scared of the camera, you might ask?  Because the ONE time I took it out with me to take pictures at a friend's bachelorette party, it broke.  It was not my fault; seriously, even the boy admits that it wasn't my fault, but the camera had to be sent back to Germany for repairs, and I never touched it again until last Thursday.

Anyway, so here's the parking lot at our apartment complex.  There's Agnes, our adorable car, in front, followed by a series of pickup trucks and SUVs.  When we lived in Minneapolis, we owned a pickup truck, but now that we live in Hickville, we own a sedan.  Who's to say we're not complicated people?

I used to dream of owning a sedan back in the pickup truck days.  Being able to recline your seat and take a nap in your car, being able to load the groceries in the trunk without worrying about them rattling around and having to crawl around to get the canned tomatoes, and being able to get more than fifteen miles to the gallon were things I thought about constantly.  And Agnes was worth dreaming about, for sure. 

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