Thursday, March 08, 2012

Five Bullets of Venting, Puzzles, and Way Too Much Television (Zombies, Singing, and Soap Operas)

1. Sometimes I wish I had a Twitter account for the sole reason of discussing Adam Levine and Blake Shelton's sexual relationship.  Oh, and it would be great to have someplace to discuss Christina Aguilera's questionable fashion choices (but I still love you Xtina!  call me!! we'll do something about that hair thing you have going on right now).  The Voice makes Mondays worth having as far as I'm concerned.

2.  My husband is the equivalent of cat crack.  Zelda's home with me all day and she sleeps on my lap for hours before crawling into her carrier to nap (the most low key kitten you have ever met) until she hears the key turn in the lock signaling the approach of kitty crack.  Then she turns into a biting, scratching monster.  He is whack.

3. We watch the awesome zombie show The Walking Dead on iTunes because we don't get AMC in our cable package (heh - I said package), but each new episode isn't released until the day after it airs on television.  So I have to impose a Facebook moratorium on myself until we watch the new episode because people have NO RESPECT for SPOILER ALERTS.  The only things I've ever had those "people are talking about" boxes have all been television related - the Super Bowl, the Oscars, and The Walking Dead.  Damn people.  Damn iTunes delay.

4.  Okay, let's talk about Rush Limbaugh.  He manages to evade career-ending scandals surrounding racism (the "black quarterback" thing and some of the snide names he has called Obama), wishing that, upon election Obama would fail, references to the oh so politically correct feminazis, and let's not forget the prescription pill abuse.  Plus, he's nearly deaf and you'd think that would have some impact on his career.  But whatever.  But what brings him down?  Slutgate. Man, if we had only thought of this earlier.

5.  I've been reading this horrible book FOR DAYS and I'm about 30 pages in and I just can't get into it.  But I feel like I need to give it more of a chance before I just give up on it and return it to the library because the Internet, the New York Times, and the New Yorker, not to mention every damn body on amazon and Goodreads LOVE this dumb book.  How much further would you read of a 316 page book before you return it? Or, rather, how much more time would you give it?  Blech. I won't tell you what book because you'll all tell me to just read it.  Tell me what to do.


  1. Well, if you don't want to read it, don't. I just read a book I've been waiting YEARS to read (The Maltese Falcon) because I've heard it has the greatest twist ending in the history of mysteries. I was soooo disappointed. And I had a hard time getting through it because the writing was kinda bad. Then the ending let me down hard. There are lots of recommended books that just don't appeal to certain people. It doesn't make the book superior or you inferior. Ugh, you know this is my beef with recommended books.

    C'mon...what's the book? I guarantee I've probably never heard of it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (Sorry, I had to delete my earlier comment due to Italics Gone Wrong.)

    We love The Walking Dead too, but DVR it and then have to avoid all the related conversations until we have time to watch it.

    Ooh, what book is it? Plllleeeeeeaaaaasssseeeee? I say if you're not into it, just let it go. I felt the same way about Jonathan Franzen's Freedom. Everyone RAVED about it and I tried it and thought, "I don't give a crap about any of these characters. AT ALL." So I finally gave up - I think I made it less than 1/3 of the way through.

    I try not to pay too much attention to hype about books, because I tend to think the opposite about 60% of the time. Everyone I know who read The Road absolutely hated it, but I loved that book so much.

  4. I obviously need to know what this book is. (Undoubtedly I loved it. and you'll hate me forever for it!)

  5. Anonymous3/08/2012

    @LDJ, in a rare turn-around, the movie is much better than the book! At least, you get to watch Bogart, he's still sexy.


    hehe you said package!

  6. @Just Another Pastor's Wife

    I'll definitely watch the movie to compare, then! I kept imagining Bogart and that was one of the only things keeping me going ;)

  7. I once got over 500 pages into Anna Karenina and just gave up! I couldn't stand it any more and I no longer even remember the plot. However, I'm usually influenced by "sunk costs" and plod through to the end. I;m also the daughter of a librarian, so that may influence my choices as well.

  8. Okay, I know you probably either read the book already OR gave up on it. But I am a SERIOUS advocate of not reading a book if you don't like it. Reading should be PLEASURABLE. Even if everyone and her dog loves the thing or says it's a classic or claims that you HAVEN'T LIVED until you've read the book, there's no point in slogging through something you hate. Your time is precious and there are too many other books to read!

    (I adored The Tiger's Wife and trumpeted its wonder to the heavens. But no one I've recommended it to likes it, and I would never want anyone to power through a book they hate. Even one I loved so dearly.)

    (So now will you please tell me the identity of this book? Was it The Marriage Plot?)
