Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's Clear We're From the Midwest, Isn't It?

It was quick. We were in California for barely 48 hours and a good four of those hours were traveling to and from the Burbank airport and LAX. But we didn't waste those hours, oh no. We went to a wedding, we went to the beach, we walked the pier and the promenade in Santa Monica, and we went to Trader Joe's and Von's to get food approximately ten times. Thank goodness we had a full kitchen in our hotel room.

Differences between our friends the Californians and us, the loud and proud Midwesterners:
1) We had jackets (and hats and scarves).
2) We failed to bring sunscreen to the wedding, assuming, naturally, that the wedding would be indoors because it is freaking November. Someone has a red neck.
3) I was interested in the Lions score and he was interested in the Bears score. They cared about the Chargers (seriously, the Chargers have fans?!).
4) I had no idea those plants were called "succulents" and that there were entire gardens devoted to them.
5) We stared in amazement at the cheap price of avocados, but recoiled because the price of a carton of yogurt is 25 cents more expensive there! Seriously, grocery shopping almost caused our heads to explode.

November! It's November! How decadent to be outside in a dress with no hose in November!!

The one on the left is Phoby. The one on the right is Chubby. If you travel with mini plants, be prepared to leave yourself plenty of time to get through airport security. And be prepared for those plants to look a bit dilapidated by the time they arrive home.

The mini Polaroids were an inspired idea. I think they got most people, if not everybody, who was present at the wedding. I'm not sure what they're going to do with those pictures, but I contemplated stealing them all!!

1 comment:

  1. The polaroid idea is fun. Did you get to take your photo home as a keepsake?

    Also - what did you think of the promenade in Santa Monica? Were there live musicians playing?
