Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Things I Have Absurd Opinions On

Um, do I still have to write this? Harry Potter spoilers in this post!

  • One ply toilet paper is ridiculous and unnecessary. As a matter of fact, if it isn't the red Charmin, I can't deal. We once purchased the blue Charmin and I bitched about it until it was replaced. You can tell me I'm being wasteful, but I don't care. Red Charmin for life, bitches.

  • Baby food is disgusting. This is a conclusion I've come to after nearly gagging on it this weekend. Me (to nephew infant): Come on, baby, eat your pureed until unrecognizable sweet potatoes. As I took a small bite to indicate it would be all right for the baby to eat it, I managed to catch a whiff and gag. The baby pushed the spoon away. Can't says as I blame him too much.

  • It is super important for me to have two questions answered about the Harry Potter series. What the fuck did Lily and James Potter due for a living that they had a vault full of gold when they died, but somehow managed to stay home unemployed when Voldemort was at full power? And, perhaps more importantly to me (at this moment), how did the Weasley twins know, during the Qwidditch World Cup, to bet that Krum would catch the Snitch for Bulgaria, but that Ireland would win? I NEED to know.

  • When merging on a freeway, particularly in a construction zone, the proper way to merge is the zipper. Learn it, live it, love it.

  • Home ownership is not for everyone. Just as parenting is not for everyone. Stop preaching about the superiority of your lifestyle. If it's great for you, that's awesome. I'm so happy for you. But it's not the right choice for everyone.

  • The Israeli government's ill-fated decision to board civilian aid ships in international waters and shoot to kill was stupid. (Go ahead, ask me about North Korea. I don't know. Ask me about Russian. Eh. Whatever. Ask me about the plight of folks in Darfur. I'm sure I should have an opinion, but huh. Ask me about Israel, I'll talk out my ass.) Piracy, though? That's sure to get my goat.

  • Eliza Dushku, Tobey Maguire, Katie Holmes, and David Boreanaz until about midway through the fourth season of Angel can not act. End of story. The unparalleled hotness of Tahmoh Penikett in Battlestar Gallactica and Denzel Washington in American Gangster can not be debated.

  • Summer is the worst season of the year. I love that I am soon to be home from school for an extended period of time (two more days!), but between the oppressive heat and oh so delightful allergies, I'm stuck inside and can't leave!!


  1. Wasn't the gold from James' family inheritance, he did come from an illustrious line of purebloods.

  2. Amen, sister. Especially with you on summer. I am a winter girl for sure!


  3. LOL! the RIGHT tp is always super important!!

  4. Oh, man. I understand the point of the zipper method in theory, but it never, EVER works because people are idiots and traffic becomes SO congested. I would much rather merge well before the merge point when traffic is still fairly loosely spaced (and no one behind me has to brake) than try to force my way in at the merge point.

    But I get it, really. And I don't block people who are using the other lane. I will, however, try to block those who are attempting to use the shoulder, which happens EVERY SINGLE TIME.

  5. Great list. I'm also picky about TP and tissues. Didn't know about the Israeli thing, now I have to go look it up.

  6. I agree that most baby food is disgusting, which is why we tend to just mash up whatever we're eating from the very beginning.

    You're right that parenting is not for everyone, but I have to say: it's pretty awesome. Our kids add so much beauty and joy to our lives. :)

