Sunday, May 09, 2010

Scents and the City

The temperatures were lower than they had been in weeks. It seemed like we were the only ones walking the path. Every once in a while, the wind would catch, sending brief wafts toward us.

Lilacs, fully in bloom. The strange amalgam of gasoline and freshly mown grass. The noisome and fetid lake water and algal bloom. A lumbering bus gifts us with both a brief burst of warm air and a shower of diesel fumes. The fresh scent of cedar mulch used around the bushes in the rose garden. The faint, sweet, cheerful snap of tulips in full bloom.

We walk, sometimes holding hands, occasionally bumping hips as I get distracted by the view of something, anything, and walk into him. We point out the changes since we last walked here. More blooms, the fountain that has been turned on, the wee green oak seeds that now litter the trail, the first blue jay call of the year, the puddles underneath the swings that have dried up, the dog splashing in the (what must be incredibly cold) lake water. Where have the female ducks gone? Are they nesting? Are they at a bachelorette party?

It is a dream. It is real. It's a moment in time we'll never have again.


  1. Tulips are my absolute most favorite part about this time of year. Mayor Daley has them planted all over the city of Chicago. I wish I had someone to walk anywhere with seeing the tulips, minus the hand-holding part.

    My Love Life

  2. Your writing is so compelling - full of descriptive word pictures...and emotion. Perhaps you should write a book? :)

    P.S. I like your new blog design. A lot.

  3. I love lilacs and their aroma. Nothing says summer like the scent of lilacs!

    Sounds like a pretty idyllic day. Funny how those small moments can be so wonderful.
