Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Yay! Boo!

Yay!! The sun has been shining for the last three days and we were able to open windows, go for a walk, and watch the snow begin to melt.

Boo!! Since I had the windows rolled down in Monster today (while attempting to sing the lyrics to "Levon" by Elton John any of those lyrics make sense?), I heard brakes squealing. My brakes, to be more specific. Looks like I'll be taking Monster in to get looked at over Spring Break.

Yay!! The management company has decided to take our bug problem seriously.

Boo!! This means they are going to spray on Friday morning. This means we need to move everything away from the walls, out of our closets, and out of our kitchen. Where are we going to put stuff? I have No. Earthly. Idea.

Yay!! I had an evening off tonight while the boy worked at his part-time job. This meant I had the house to myself for FOUR ENTIRE HOURS.

Boo!! We did taxes this weekend. Things are looking bad for us. Really bad. We're not sure which of our six jobs is not withholding enough, but...dude, the bill? It is high.

Yay!! I filled out our census form and now feel like an awesome citizen for doing my civic duty.

Boo!! There was bad news for us on the "plans for the future" front. Not seriously debilitating news, but on top of the roaches, taxes, and brakes, it may have caused me to shed a tear.

Yay!! Only six more teaching days until I get to go on Spring Break!

Boo!! Still have six more teaching days until I can go on Spring Break!

Yay!! I managed to do laundry in the four hours I was alone in our apartment today, so tomorrow I will have a fresh towel and can pick from any outfit I could possibly want to wear.

Boo!! It's 20 minutes past my bedtime and I am not quite sleepy yet. It could be a long day tomorrow.

Any cheers or jeers for you?


  1. re: taxes: did you go to a tax preparer. sometimes going to one of those guys can make a huge difference!

    Scott & I used to do it ourselves and would not get much back and then once we started going to these tax guys- we finally realized what we were doing wrong...

    just throwing that out there- it's worth a shot! :)

  2. Yay! I spent all week line dancing with my Grandma who is visiting from Ohio!

    Boo! Oh my hell, I am so out of shape. My legs can no longer move, and I'm not sure I have feet attached anymore. I haven't felt them in 4 days.
