Friday, March 19, 2010

The Exterminator Files

Location: NGS and BB's apartment

Time: Late morning/early afternoon March 19, 2010

Present: Me, BB, some annoyingly friendly lady from the management company that owns the building

Result: Man, these people have a clean house! Sure, you'll see an occasional dust bunny here and there, but they did everything we asked them to. They pulled out all the furniture, emptied all their cupboards, and generally made their house look like a special episode of "Hoarders: The Roach Man Cometh." And it was clean. No food particles, no piles of stuff, except for the stuff clearly emptied out of their closets, no nothing that would lead me to believe these folks would have bugs.

I told that lady from the management company that these people have a clean house. I said it about a million times. I asked the guy who lives here to describe the bugs he's seen and it sure sounds like he's seen some German cockroaches. He's only seen a few, though, and I went through that apartment thoroughly and there ain't no nests in that apartment. I tried to convince the chipper lady from the management company that I should check every apartment in the building because if these nice folks in this clean apartment are seeing bugs, I guarantee you that there are bugs elsewhere in this building, but she wasn't having any of that. I guess I should have tried to sway her by tell her that the folks most likely to originate the problem probably aren't likely to be the first ones to report it, but, really, I wanted to get to lunch, so I didn't do too much swaying.

Anyway, carrying all my equipment up all those stairs should get me some extra compensation, right? You readin' this report, boss? The apartment is clean, but I bet there's something super nasty somewhere else in that building. But these people? These people run a tight ship.

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