Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Truth of Cat Ownership

Next week the cat is leaving us. Our friends N and M are coming back to take her home. While we are totally excited to have friends back in the Twin Cities, we are very sad to see her little fluffy face leave our home. She has been an incredibly vital member of our household these last five months, but we know that her "real" parents are indeed her "real" parents.

So, lest I get too depressed that the only pet I'll probably ever have is going away, I made up a list of pros and cons about our pet "ownership" with Dae.

Pro: Fluffy, orange kitty on laps when it is really cold outside!
Con: Fluffy, orange kitty fur all over our house and clothing!

Pro: Fuzzy, orange fluff ball greeting you with a rousing and welcoming meow when you come home from work.
Con: Fuzzy, orange fluff ball yowling at night because you have closed the bedroom door and she really wants attention/to be in your nice, warm bed with you.

Pro: You're never alone in the apartment. Company is always available when needed.
Con: Tripping over cat first thing in the morning when you're trying to get to the bathroom can lead to upsetting falls/hurt paws/hysteria.

Pro: Cat not "making it" when jumping on to chair/table/lap is hysterically funny.
Con: Cleaning out the litter box is totally not funny.

Pro: Conversations had in the cat's voice lead to insightful views on your spouse's innermost thoughts and feelings on the most mundane of activities.
Con: Even though we stopped letting her drink out of the bathroom faucet months ago, she still insists on climbing onto the bathroom counter and barking at us whenever we're in the bathroom.

Pro: The revving motorboat of the cat's purr always makes you smile.
Con: Sometimes it is more fun to play with the cat than to do work, making productivity at home somewhat low.

Pro: Always something to talk about with your spouse.
Con: Always talk about the cat with your spouse so that important things don't get discussed.

Pro: Cat is always cute and photogenic.
Con: Cat doesn't like to be brushed and her fur requires brushing every day. Scratches may result.

Pro: Who needs a hot pad? I've got a vibrating cat!
Con: Cat declares need for fresh water half a dozen times a day. (In her defense, I like my water to be really cold, too, so I am guilty of giving into her on this one.)

Pro: Cat jumping really high to chase Da Bird is amazing to watch. The athleticism in a cat, even one as old and clumsy as Dae, is awesome.
Con: When cat gets sick and stops eating, it is very scary. (She totally eats now. I am almost embarrassed to show her to N and M when they get back. She is. . . a bit chunkier than we N dropped her off.)

Pro: Cat on husband's lap is the most adorable thing to see when you get home.
Con: Hairballs. Nuff said.

Pro: Enjoying a variety of options for the dialect of the cat. I prefer bitchy southern belle, the boy prefers air headed blond.
Con: Cat still jumps on the table. Still.

Pro: Hairstyles of the cat. Mohawk down the back is the best!
Con: Pointy parts of cat may be used when hairstyles are attempted.

Pro: An excuse to go into pet stores. Must buy toys! Litter! Food!!
Con: Must come up with solution for someone to check on kitty when we go out of town.

Pro: Unconditional love from the cat.
Con: Must give cat back!! Sob!!


  1. pets are so enriching in our lives, aren't they?

    Maybe you should get a kitty or a puppy?

    With puppies you don't have to worry about cleaning a litter box!

    I know you're sad to see her go. :(

  2. Anonymous12/17/2009

    I just had a kitten. Get a Cat. The shelters always have adults, kittens are just like little kids. Adults usually come neutered, shot's current, and don't usually cry at your bedroom door for hours during the night.

    But I wouldn't give my cats up for anything. :)

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