Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Girl and Her Skepticism

Obama's To Do List

-Fix economy
-Deal with the trouble in Iraq
-Oh, yeah, don't forget Afghanistan
-Or Israel
-Eat dinner with family
-Do something about international relations
-Especially Russia
-And China
-And Iran
-Tell wife how beautiful she is
-That health care thing
-Discuss the appropriateness of Aretha Franklin's hat around water cooler
-Meet with unhappy veterans' groups
-Clean the air and water
-Just go ahead and walk on water
-Hmmm...Guantanamo? Do something about that brouhaha
-PATRIOT Act?!?!?!?!
-Play Guitar Hero for a few minutes with the girls
-Check Perez just for a second (what did he say about my pimptastic look last night?!)
-Gays - marriage? military? hmmmm...
-Lunch with teachers - NCLB?
-Detroit/auto companies
-crawl under desk for nap and good cry
-redo oath of office (dude, Roberts, really?)
-Humane Society - the girls are really getting antsy about that dog promise
-Stop family violence
-Save the world
-Change all those executive orders
-Meet with tailor to discuss new suits
-Tell Michelle to buy own food to stock WH kitchen - we totally can't afford those bills!
-Campaign finance - McCain might be available for some help
-Letter/text to supporters
-Blackberry - unhackable?
-Internet safety/technology
-Basketball - court in WH?
-Unpack clothes
-DON'T FORGET: SAVE THE WORLD (most important!!)


  1. Anonymous1/22/2009

    Remember - you should always put "wake up" and "take shower" on your lists so that you have something to cross off. Poor Obama. You're setting him up to fail.

  2. Laughing. That is SO true. Great list.

  3. The man has the longest to do list on the planet EVER.
