Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fun with Magic!!

Ha! Did you think I was going to write more on Harry Potter? Well, not today, although I won’t make the promise of saying it will never come up again.

We cleaned this morning. Apparently we are animals and our apartment was starting to resemble the monkey cage at the zoo. Which is to say, there was lots of dirt on the floor. And dust bunnies. And hair. How do I lose so much hair? I mean, if you look at my head, I don’t appear to be balding (although the same cannot be said for the oh so dapper Biker Boy).

Bike Boy ran the vacuum and since we have a crappy stick vacuum, it took a lot longer than it should have. Meanwhile, I was able to wash the kitchen floor, kitchen sink, and attempt to clean the stove and stove hood. (Yep. All while the boy was still vacuuming. Clearly, we need to invest in a decent vacuum. I am considering taking the KitchenAid mixer off the wedding registry and replacing it with a nice vacuum. However, I think that if I actually get a KitchenAid mixer, I may likely attempt more gluten-free baking and maybe get okay at it. And I’ll never buy a KitchenAid mixer on my own. I just won’t because it's not something one actually NEEDS unless you are a professional baker or you cook for a family of twelve every night. However, we kind of need the vacuum NOW and I WILL someday buy a nice vacuum on my own, free of any guilt associated with it, so maybe I won’t take the mixer off and replace it with a vacuum, but rather just BUY a vacuum now. Do you see how mixed up I am about all this?)

Meanwhile, I am yelping about the kitchen because I somehow made myself bleed. And there were bleach fumes and who knows how high I really was? (I know, I know. Bleach in the kitchen is a no-no. But the sink was really dirty. I rinsed it super well.) Plus, because we are animals, there was soooooo much grease build up on the stove, it really wasn’t coming clean.

I was frustrated that the kitchen cleaner we had (that contained bleach – how weird is that?) wasn’t helping with the stovetop. I scrubbed. I broke a fingernail scratching at the grease. I used the scrubby part of a kitchen sponge. When we moved in together, we combined our cleaning products into two paper bags that reside under the kitchen sink. I reached into one of the paper bags, getting ready to yell at Biker Boy that we should forget about cleaning the stove and just buy a new one when we were going to move out, but in the bag was a MAGIC ERASER. I wet the MAGIC ERASER and then, then, then, the grease was gone.

Yay! Magic erasers rule. I’m a bit concerned because there are no ingredients listed on the magic eraser box (I’m sure it’s a top secret combination of several chemicals that will kill me in fifty years time) and if I ever had to call poison control and say “hey, my dog ate the corner off a magic eraser,” they’d ask what was in the magic eraser and I’d have to tell them that the ingredients just aren’t listed, but it was an amazing miracle of cleanliness.

Now, what should I do about that mixer and vacuum conundrum?

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