Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cognitive Dissonance!!

I was driving today along Highway 7, just east of Minneapolis (I just had to look it up on the map to make sure I had the direction - sometimes I wish I were a man and I understood directions. Just sometimes. Most of the time not so much with the wishing of being a man.) when I found myself at a couple of stop lights behind a blue Buick. Now, at first I just ignored it and listened to the radio, cranking up "No One Needs to Know" by Shania Twain:

I want bells to ring, a choir to sing
The white dress the guests the cake the car the whole darn thing
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow
But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

We'll have a little girl a little boy
A little Benji we call Leroy
But no one needs to know right now.

Yay! Shout out to old skool Shania! Have I mentioned in the last five minutes that I'm getting married soon?! I'm getting married in May!! Whee!!

Then!! I paid attention to the car in front of me. It had three bumper stickers on it.
1) W '04
2) Earl's in the Trunk
3) Free Natalie can you be a Bush supporter and a Dixie Chicks supporter? I'm so confused. It makes me head hurt to think about the split personality that drives that car or the people with opposite political views that share it.

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