Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Product Review #1

Okay, I spend a lot of time reading reviews on cosmetics and even more money. I blame it on my mom. She never wore make-up and so I never got to do any of the fun make-up stuff when I was a kid. Okay. Or I am just a make-up whore who wants to blame my crazy cosmetics spending on someone else. I don't know.

Anyway, so awhile back I went on a total product boycott. No new product until I used the rest of it (except for things like mascara which totally need to be replaced regularly). This means I am stuck with two products I dislike immensely...and that I am now much more familiar with the return policy of some of your more popular cosmetics stores.

Okay, as much as I love (LOVE) The Body Shop, the two products I dislike and am stuck with forEVAH are Body Shop products. So, for all the Body Shop products I love (the lip gloss wands, the mascara, the kinetin eye cream, the body oils), here are two completely mean Body Shop reviews. Which is to say, here are two things I bitch about every day of my life.

1) Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream - This stuff smells like roses. Ummm...if roses are what old ladies smell like. It's ridiculously stinky. I can also only put this on if I am going to shower the next day. If I am merely washing my face and going about my business the next morning, this cream does not wash off very well and I can feel the oil on my face all day. And since a dab of this stuff goes a long, long, long way, I still have well over half the 50 mL tub still!!

2) Camomile Gently Eye Make-Up Remover - This stuff makes my eyes sting. Everytime I use it, my eyes water and it looks like I have pinkeye. I was suckered into it because I got this HUGE 250 mL jar for $5 when it was on sale once. This was before I lived with Biker Boy and because I had just run out of the eye make-up remover I had at his place, I bought it as a replacement for his place. And because there is still approximately 200 mL left, I am going to have this stuff for the rest of my life.

That's all. I am officially done bitching about these two products. I have no excuse for ever talking about them again. Until tonight when I smell like an old lady when I get into bed.

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