Friday, October 19, 2007


Sooo...we talk about interpretation in our apartment a lot (hermeneutics = the study of interpretation - I have just butchered its precise definition, but since Biker Boy doesn't read this, I feel it's good enough). Once I was discussing how one of our grad school friends, who is currently the TA for a class outside of his actual field of study, but is a subject I have had lots of classes on, regardless of my interest level, was misinterpreting the literature. Biker Boy said, without irony, "maybe your subfield needs a smart outside observer to create a new understanding and interpretation." Yeah. That's right, everyone. I can't win any arguments because it all comes down to the fact that interpretations are multiple.

But that's a rare example of how we talk about school. Here's a more typical example. Let me set the stage for you. We are going to the grocery store. Biker Boy violently turned off "Help Me Rhonda" by the Beach Boys in Monster. For a moment, I thought that he was going to break off the knob. I was puzzled because we actually listen to the Beach Boys pretty regularly. The following conversation take place:

"This song makes me feel sorry for Rhonda."
"She's the rebound girl."
"Yes. That's the point of the song. I think we're supposed to feel bad for the singer who has had his heart broken and now needs affection from whatever source he can get so that he can feel something."
"But Rhonda likes him a lot. She's been waiting for this relationship to fail so she could move in. And she doesn't know she's a rebound girl. She's going to be really hurt later on."
"He's just using her. He's a jerk and I feel bad for Rhonda. I don't like how this portrays guys."
"But we never hear Rhonda's side of the story. I always thought she was a whore. Or his best friend's older sister who is in college and is going to leave after the weekend and never think of it again."
"So that makes it better?! Sexual promiscuity is okay if she's a whore and getting paid or is a slutty college coed?"
"No, I mean, I guess we could devolve this conversation into a discussion about prostitution and how society views women and income disparity and violence against women, but it's a Beach Boys song. You know, sun, surfing, and cars?"
"Fine. You have your interpretation of the song. I have mine. Yours is wrong and we're not listening to that song."

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