Saturday, May 12, 2007

To Joss, With Love

I don't write much about the movies Biker Boy and I watch because...we don't watch movies. We have taken to watching serial television shows. Specifically, we watch Joss Whedon-created television shows. Seasons 1-4 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (okay, we watched all seven seasons, but I'm going to pretend the rest of the series doesn't exist because Joss did), the ill-fated season of Firefly (I am now officially on the I hate Fox bandwagon), and (gulp) occasional episodes of Angel.

I love the early seasons of Buffy despite the presence of David Boreanaz. He is, arguably, the worst actor ever, not to mention kind of dopey looking. And he got his own show!! Completely crazy. His own show that lasted five seasons. But Firefly, which is, arguably, about a hundred times better show, lasted about half a season. I desperately want to know more. Please, Joss!! Tell me more about the characters on Firefly. What's chasing Inara into the black? Where are Simon and River's parents? What is Zoe going to do now that Wash is dead? Does the Alliance ever find River? Do Simon and Kaylee get married and have crazy babies? Please tell me more!!

The thing is, I don't think Biker Boy and I have ever watched a single episode of any of these shows without having to pause it for some reason or another - popcorn, water, bathroom break, phone call - but Biker Boy does not mind. If a movie is disturbed, the Wrath of Biker Boy is a sight to behold. One time he made me cry. Okay, I'm exagerrating. I've never cried because he's gotten snippy with me about the movie thing. But when we tried to watch that stupid James Bond movie, I almost cried out of sheer, excrutiating boredom. And Biker Boy almost killed me. Apparently he thinks it's an awesome movie (weird).

On Thursday night we were watching Spiderman 2 because I got all excited and desperately wanted to watch the new Spiderman movie and he said, "do you even remember how much you hated the second one?" and of course, I didn't. But then we watched and after an hour and a half of poor Peter Parker getting beaten down, I simply looked at Biker Boy and sighed heavily. "It's like the first three chapters of the Harry Potter series when you ask yourself why you're reading this seriously sad novel about a boy being neglected and abused?" Biker Boy gave me an annoyed look and sighed heavily. My inability to watch action or drama movies has once again interfered with BB's movie-life. We turned it off. I don't think we'll be seeing the new Spiderman movie any time soon.

But interrupt a television show and he simply pauses it and goes to get a glass of water. I do not understand this. At all.

Can anyone explain to me what the deal is here?

1 comment:

  1. NGS, there is a firefly movie that ties up lose ends, i believe

    lots of africa love,

    jonnee (in africa)
