Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Snowball in South Minneapolis!!

Hi, this post is being brought to you by Snowball, my fancypants (fancy pants?) new computer. Fresh out of the box!! I'm sure I should be securing it with anti-virus software and other whatnots I know nothing about, but instead I am posting. Look!! Super fast. Super laptoppy!

Snowball and I are in love.

I promise I will now turn the fancypants (fancy pants?) computer off and bone up on computer security before again allowing Snowball to be on a wireless (my computer connects to the Internet wirelessly!) connection. I have become all that I want to hate.

Oh, and for those of you who are super concerned, the freezer is STILL NOT WORKING. Because how could you ask people who work at a store that may or may not rhyme with "Tears" to care about the six of us in our house who slave away all day and just want to be able to buy ice cream? How could you ask them to come and put the part in the fridge? You know they have busy lives!!


  1. Anonymous11/01/2006

    Did McBiker call you over to the Dark Side of the MacBook?

  2. No, I am not part of the Dark Side. I am too cheap for that. It's a Dell.
