Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Messy Mess

I just looked around my bedroom and realized that it was a complete and total wreck. My bed is unmade, piled with my backpack, three old newspapers, a shoebox filled with belts and scarves, my bike helmet, another shoebox with gloves and hats, two purses, my portable CD player, a comb, and an empty Aquafina bottle. My desk has papers strewn all over it, three (3!) empty glasses once used for water, a deodrant stick, another empty Aquafina bottle, two necklaces, a hairbrush, face lotion, and sunglasses. On my chair is three coats I have used in the last four days (only in Minnesota - I must have the big, puffy winter coat and a nice looking springy coat). And that's not even getting to the floor. As I look, I have a makeup mirror, an umbrella, another shoebox full of gloves and scarves, books for my part-time job, two pairs of pants, a towel, a shirt, and a pair of shoes.

I'm a slob.

I can see how people just get overwhelmed with clutter. Right now, I am thinking that just taking care of the THREE water glasses and the empty Aquafina bottles, which require me to go downstairs, is just too much work. But then I tell myself that if I take 15 minutes and clean up the clutter, my bed will be made and I will be so happy. Even if I do have to go downstairs.

So I shall clean up. But I want you all to know that I am a complete and total slob.

UPDATE: The decluttering took longer than expected. First, I went downstairs to hide the evidence of my THREE water glasses, but someone had run the dishwasher and the dishes were clean, but not put away. So I had to empty the dishwasher. Meanwhile, the roommate who had started the dishwasher told me that she would empty it and I had to admit to my sins of messiness. Then it just took longer because I have a lot of mittens and gloves and stuff that needed to be put away because it's nice out (at last) and I need to put away my winter stuff. That's all.

I'm a slob.

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