Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Unsportsmanlike Conduct: College Football and the Politics of Rape by Jessica Luther

You guys? Did you know that college sports have a problem with sexual assault and heteronormativity and exalting of masculinity?  Yes, I did, too.

I think Unsportsmanlike Conduct is an important book that doesn't really say a whole that that those of us who really focus on issues of importance to women (and therefore, to people) already know about rape culture. Yep, it's pervasive. Yep, it's normalized. Yep, there are rape jokes aplenty. Yep, the media coverage of controversial sports stars who rape and assault others is kind of a joke in itself. Yep, schools are hamstrung because many of these sports and sports stars bring in money to universities. Yep, people don't want to report rape because victim blaming is a real thing.  Yep, yep, yep.

I honestly am confused by the audience for this book. Her organizing principle is the "current playbook" of how sexual assaults on campuses are dealt with and creates a "new playbook" with some possible policy solutions in the later chapters. So this is for sports fans?  I don't think they're going to read it or be persuaded by her arguments.  Is it for people like me?  Well, if that's the case, this is overly simplistic.  Is it for your average "I kind of root for the home team fan"?  If so, then I think she's going to lose them with her framing device.

Anyway, I'm glad this book exists. I just kind of hoped for more from it.  

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