Wednesday, August 06, 2014

3.6 Sky - Fleeting Summer Blue

Bestest Friend and I are in the middle of a blog project. Each day of the month we will post a picture on a pre-determined theme and write a little something about it. The theme for the sixth day of each month is "Sky."
There will come a time in too few months to count when I will be dreaming of this week - this summer week when the skies shone blue, we had a couple of hours in the afternoon to go canoeing down a river, the tomatoes sitting on our counter were freshly picked from a nearby farm, and I strode out of the house wearing nothing more than a sundress. There will come a time when I will be too afraid to take the camera out of the house - nervous it will get cold or wet and stop working - and the pictures will be from my cell phone camera and I will become ever more depressed with each passing inferior quality photograph.  There will come a day when I will look back on this photo and sigh.
The corn is high in the fields but hasn't been harvested yet. The endless rows of soybeans are a dark emerald green against the baby blue sky.  The smell of freshly mowed hay permeates the air. The sounds of small motors from lawnmowers, weed whackers, and motorcycles roll through the air.  These are the lazy free days of summer and I don't want them to end.
To see what Bestest Friend wrote about the theme of the day, check out her blog, Too Legit to Quit.

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