Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Turkey Time

I'm leaving for the airport in five hours. I'm half packed and it's two in the morning. I'm going to visit mi familia en Michigan. Oh, the joys. I'm quite excited for my pa to pick me up in his new pickup truck and for the dogs to jump on me when I walk in the door. Wheee. It will be a food extravaganza and ma said I have to help clean the house and put up Christmas decorations. I'm there. Alas, I've been sick the last couple of days and so my internal body clock is jammed with mixed signals about what I should be doing right now. Sleep? Well, it's dark out. Not sleep? What is this packing and vigorous moving you're doing? So I'll be back in five days time. Hopefully with lots of fun stories about the life and times of a small town in Michigan. And airport stories. Airports make for the best stories ever.

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