Thursday, February 13, 2025

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday was quite a day of snow and fun. I went in to work for a couple of hours and then the snow really started coming down, so I worked from home for the rest of the day. There was much excitement because that meant I got lots of tea, kitty cuddles, and time to read a book on the couch. Nothing better than that. Oh, and Hannah and I had a blast. 

Hannah's wearing a coat because it's not just snowing - it's also really cold. She doesn't mind, though. She's all rubbing her face in the snow and leaping through it like she's a deer. 

Back to reality. The forecast has more snow on tap for Friday and Saturday and it's supposed to just stay super cold, so I think we're going to be hanging out with this snow for some time. Woot woot!


What's your favorite part of a snow day?


  1. We loved it too! So cozy. I picked everyone up at preschool pick up time and had Jack come home at lunch-- so much snow!

    1. It was like being in a snow globe all day. I wasn't mad about it.

  2. Thanks for the preview of the weather that will be coming our way. It's still mild right now but we've got snow, ice, and COLD on the way. So much brrrr...sigh remind me why I came back from Florida?

    1. The cold is cold, that's for sure. Even Hannah is over the cold.

  3. We're missing most of the snow and getting freezing rain. It's currently doing nothing here, but the kids have the day off school because it's supposed to start at noon.
    I love everything about every picture you took. I love how the church looks with the snow coming down (very snowglobe-esque). I love Hannah's bright coat. I love your beautiful smile and Hannah's...resigned acceptance face? your selfie together.
    Hooray for extra tea and kitty snuggles and beautiful walks in the snow.

    1. Hannah was officially done with the walk at that point. We were in our driveway and it was clear that she wanted to be be inside. LOL. She also thinks that the camera will steal her soul, I think. She hates to look directly at the camera!

  4. So much snow! How fun! We have none, so Rex is satisfying himself by just rolling in the grass.
    That photo of you and Hannah is perfect!

    1. Oh, Hannah loves rolling the dry grass. It's her favorite thing to do!

  5. Enjoy your winter wonderland! I would like the part where you got to stay home with tea, a book, and Zelda- but I wouldn't like the rest of it (although- Hannah looks very handsome in her coat!) It's actually a little too warm here for this time of year- mid 80s- but I won't complain (but if you could just send a little of that cold air our way, it would be appreciated!)

    1. I love every bit of it, to be honest. Especially since this was a light, fluffy snow, so it was easy to shovel. I do wish it were a teeny bit warmer, but it is winter, I guess.

  6. We are getting your yesterday snow today, much of it overnight.

    1. Good luck with it! It's a lot!

  7. What's your favorite part of a snow day? JAMMIES! And hot tea with sugar in it. I usually forego sugar but on a Snow Day it has no calories. Fact.

    1. I actually had work clothes on because I was taking calls and things, so that meant it was a bit less of a snow day than I had anticipated. Oh, well. At least I had a quick afternoon nap.

  8. It was such a fun day! Ironically, CheeseGov was attending the Spring Career Fair at your school yesterday...right as all that snow was coming down. I have no idea what attendance was like, but I'm thinking it couldn't have been very high.

    Looking forward to the next storm!

    1. That's why I had to go in for a couple of hours - I was helping set up the Career Fair and check in employers. Employers were canceling at a pretty high rate. I wasn't there when students started coming, but I suspect the weather did deter at least some of them from attending. What are the odds?

    2. I learned the next day that attendance was pretty good, which was kind of surprising!

  9. Love that picture of you and Hannah, Engie! Her soulful eyes and your twinkly ones!
    We got tons of snow too and had a snow day declared... Huck is engulfed by snow as she's so short, but Max loves to roll around in it--he's been asking to be let out every 10 minutes or so...

    1. Dogs playing in the snow is my absolute favorite thing!

  10. You and Hannah both looks so snow cozy in that picture! My favorite part of a snow day is a three-way tie: first, just going out and seeing the snow and feeling the cold is like a burst; second, seeing Lil Momma just enjoy the heck out of being outside and playing in it; and, third, being all wrapped up on the couch with a cup of tea and a book later...

    1. Absolutely. The best is playing in the snow and then coming in and being cozy. Woot woot! for a perfect snow day.

  11. Love that photo of the two of you together! I hope you get two copies to frame and put one in your office and one at home.

    You know how I feel about sn*w, but I do like to shovel for good exercise. I think it makes me feel like I have at least a little control over that shitful stuff.

    1. I have to admit that I really love it, Nance. I am maybe your snow nemesis. Send it to us!!!!

  12. I love the idea of a snow day! I haven't had one in decades, and the last dog I had that lived with snow was when I lived in Alaska. I used to think it was hilarious when the snow would build up a crust and you could walk on it, and then she would fall through and jump and bound like a deer. Hannah reminded me of that happy memory. I'm glad you had such a wonderful snow day!

    1. Dogs and snow are such a good combination. I'm glad you've experienced it in your lifetime!

  13. Ahhh, a beautiful snow day! Our snow is currently blowing into drifts because of the vigorous wind.

    1. Fortunately the wind has mostly calmed down, so we're not having too many issues with it drifting because that can be so scary!

  14. I had three of my seven charges on a Wednesday cancel, because of the snow day. The younger girls were home with a snow day, but Curly's high school refused to cancel. I kept her home. Not worth it in my view to have teens driving home in bad weather. My favorite part of a snow day would normally be having a day off (but I don't get paid when school cancels because I babysit for teachers - so ouch) and lounging around. Since I still had some babies here and Curly was home, I managed to get to Costco before there was too much snow. I don't love the snow, but I'm glad you and Hannah enjoyed it.

    1. I never feel like I get to do much lounging on snow days because of the dog walking and shoveling, but I love it! I love how everyone in the neighborhood is out and it's so pretty. But I guess I'm in the minority - I feel like if winter is going to stick around, I'd rather have snow than just cold.

  15. We do not have snow days, in fact we have never had any kind of shutdown due to weather. Snow always looks so pretty, but I prefer living where the weather is warmer.

    1. Yeah, I could definitely live without the snow if I lived somewhere warmer, but I feel like if it's going to be this cold, I want the snow!

  16. Awww, that selfie of you two is so cute!! I feel like every time I try to take a selfie with Charlie (because I love the concept of dog/human selfies!), I always look horrible. Ha!! You look so nice in that one.

    Charlie loves the snow too, but he doesn't understand the concept that this is really COLD snow. Yesterday I didn't take him on his walk but thought I'd just let him run for 1-2 minutes in the backyard... well, he took off gleefully, and then was like, Whoa, this is freezing and started whimpering and picking up his frozen little paws... They must have hurt! I felt terrible! Oops. Haha. Took him in by the fireplace to warm up and then threw balls around in the basement instead. The snow sure is pretty at least. I'd be all about it if we could just figure out how to not have it be so cold AND have the snow never stick to the roads. ;)

    1. Ha. Without her coat, Hannah is a baby if it's under about 15. It's just too cold for them. Her boots protect her feet, too, although there were some days when it was below zero that she wouldn't go further than around the block and we did a lot of sniffing games to tire her out (hide her treats/kibble and have her find it, mostly). You have to be creative sometimes when it's cold out!

  17. We got about 4-5" last weekend and now it's snowing again. My kids get so excited about the snow so their joy is probably my favorite part. When I am not in a splint I actually really enjoy shoveling. It's nice to see the fruits of my labor and it's a good workout! But I will not be shoveling until next winter!

    1. Yes! Shoveling is fun because you can see the difference you make. You'll be back at it next winter!

  18. I LOVE a snow day! These are such great photos of you and Hannah. How nice that she enjoys snow as much as you do. I feel bad for friends of mine who have dogs who despise the snow. We are having some snow this weekend and I'm delighted it's back!

    I am also thinking about you -- not that you should feel any pressure to post daily, but I have grown so accustomed to seeing your post most days, I worry about you when you don't post. Ugh. That sounds like pressure. Just sending love and hoping all is okay. xxoo

    1. Oh, if Hannah hated the snow, it would be SO SAD. She's such a happy camper, wagging her tail in the snow.

      Everything is fine. I'm just so busy and something had to go, so it was the blog!

  19. SNOW DAY! That's so fun. We get hurricane days in Florida, which were a lot more fun when I was in school because it meant NO SCHOOL. As an adult, it just means I'm either spending too much money on an Airbnb to evacuate or just hunkering down at home and hoping my power doesn't go out.

    1. Snow days are awesome. My job is just flexible enough that if I want to work from home, it's totally allowed. I think I need to get a second monitor for working from home, though, because it's hard to do some tasks.

  20. What an amazing pic of you and Hannah! I've been a bit stressed about the snow because my husband is away and I am not physically able to shovel it all right now, but people have helped (plus I have Sam the Plow Guy), and reading while the snow falls and walking have been lovely

  21. Loved this day, too - being inside certainly helped, as did not having to shovel. The joys of apartment living. I couldn't go out in it (sigh...) but loved seeing it pile up from my windows.
