Thursday, February 06, 2025

What I Spent: January 2025

As a reminder, my husband pays the "big bills" like mortgage, phone, and electricity. I pay for groceries and the pets and that's relatively even. 

Groceries ($703.28) - People gotta eat. Could we bring this number down? Maybe. Are we going to? Probably not. 

Entertainment ($374.82) - Last year I spent just over $200 on entertainment all year. This year, I'm already over that because my BIL and his family are coming to visit in a couple of weeks and I made reservations at a smash room and bought tickets for a college basketball game. Woot woot! No regrets. 

Bills ($242.32) - Car and home insurance and water. 

Pets ($212) - Ha ha. Dr. BB took Zelda to the vet in January, so he is the one who shelled out that $800. The only things I paid for in January for the girls was a probiotic for them, a bath card for Hannah (5 baths for $40), some Interceptor Plus for Hannah, and a new bird feeder. If it makes you feel better, I've already spent more than this in February on the girls. 

Savings ($200) - It's like spitting into the wind, isn't it?

Travel ($192.40) - I was in Michigan for a few days in early January and had to get a hotel room for a couple of nights. 

Eating out ($134.17) - Again, that trip to Michigan. I had dinner out a couple of times and I stopped for a coffee a couple of times. 

Personal care ($122.21) - New insoles for my cross trainers and a haircut. 

Gifts ($122) - A few birthday presents for niblings and I bought Valentine's Day cards. 

Cars ($88.83) - Gas. The trip to Michigan included a few fill-ups. Next month I'm doing an oil change on the "new" car, so this will inevitably go up. 

Tech ($42.15) - I bought a case for my new phone. I was trying to get along without a case, but after I dropped it about three times in one day, my husband "suggested" that maybe it was time. 


I'm most happy about my entertainment purchases this month. We're going to have so much fun when they come to visit! What's the purchase you made in January that made you most happy?


  1. I bought a grip strength trainer, one of those exercise gadgets that you squeeze with all your might and your hand, finger, wrist muscles get stronger. It's oodles of fun to use, spontaneously, with no set plan so I grab it whenever and do 10-ish reps. I believe it's effective, I'm feeling stronger.

    1. My sister and I had one of those in the 80s. I think it was Hulk Hogan branded. Those were different times, weren't they?

  2. Those experience-entertainment gifts are awesome and you're going to have so much fun!
    I bought my favorite people calendars early in January--I love matching people up with their interests...

    1. Yes, we are going to have so much fun when they're here!

  3. Your grocery bills seem totally reasonable and honestly enviable to me! I spent $2800 on groceries last month, and it's really only the three of us since Mark is only here like once a week for dinner. I think that I bought a lot of big supplies so hopefully that's reflected in this month's number. I bought some clothes that fit in January, so I guess that was my best purchase? I love going on fun experiences and that sounds like a perfect way to spend some money. Wait. Wait. I just reread that. $200 on entertainment for the whole year? Yes, it sounds like you have some room to do some fun things this year for sure. No regrets indeed!

    1. Yep. Last year it was $213 in entertainment expenses - $75 in June when Birchie came to town and we went to the crazy House on the Rock and Cave of the Mounds, a couple of times when Anne and I went to paint ceramics, a trip to see holiday lights, and a sewing class. That was it for my entertainment spending in 2024.

      I guess we'll see how much it goes up in 2024, especially since some of my goals are about going to museums and other things like that.

  4. Entertainment is a good category to splurge on! Let's see... January already seems so far away, ha. I don't think I bought a whole lot because I was still reeling from the Christmas expenses. Let's say I bought some books (one of them being The Blue Castle) and that always makes me happy.

    1. Yay! I rarely buy books for myself and when I do, it feels amazing.

  5. Rick just opened the electric bill and made a funny noise, so I'm going to say that we spent more on electricity in January that he would have expected/liked. I could have mentioned that he leaves a trail of lights on wherever he goes, but I am Practicing Patience And Tolerance Since He Retired, so I did not.

    I think your grocery bill is about right, considering Dr. BB's dietary restrictions and rising prices despite certain individuals promising to lower them on Day One. I went to the grocery store yesterday and virtually everything I bought had gone up in price since the last time I bought it, some since just last week.

    Yay for the new bird feeder! It will pay you back with enjoyment for years to come.

    1. That grocery number seems a bit low to me, to be honest. I wonder if something didn't get recorded. LOL. I actually think I didn't have an entire week's worth of groceries because I was in Michigan and my husband had to buy stuff for himself. That would have added another $100-150, so that would be more in line with what I would expect. But, you know, I ate out more than usual, so it evened out.

      I don't know if the bird feeder will last years, to be honest. We had to replace the old one because some fungus was growing in it. I guess you're supposed to clean it every week, but we have never once cleaned a feeder, so it's probably our fault that it gets gross. Oh, well. It looks nice and clean now!

  6. I'm trying to think what I bought in January? I know it feels like money is just flying out of our account. Gas is so expensive. Groceries are through the roof. I paid for overnight camp for the kids this summer. We booked/paid for our Air Bn'B in Paris.

    Eureka. I know what the best money was I spent in January - $168 to order my 2024 photobook. We take a butt ton of photos and everyone in our family loves looking through photobooks so I make a giant book every year. It's not cheap, but I do my best to bring the price down and $168 for 336 sounds reasonable? It arrived a week ago and it is lovely.

    1. I really felt like spending was out of control at the end of 2024, so I'm pleased with this, but February has already been pricey, so I suspect that soon I'll be stressed out about money. *sigh*

      Yay for your photo book! I know it's something your family values, so it seems like a great use of resources to me!

  7. I didn't buy anything exciting in January except eggs. But I just ordered the cordless vacuum that Elisabeth has raved about on her blog!

    1. Eggs! LOL. More precious than gold at this point, right?

  8. Coach and I went out for an early dinner on a random Friday in January. Does it count that we used a gift card? We could've saved that gift card for another time. It was just sort of last minute/unexpected and it was a nice break from the regular. The little girls have therapy on Fridays straight from school. DCFS drives them, waits with them, and drives them home. It's a bit of built in respite and we don't always use that time to do things together. We really should. It was delightful.

    I also spent money on new bedding for our king size bed. I had to order a bunch of things, because no store had physical examples and that annoyed me. But I've enjoyed getting the orders in. I'm pretty sure I've found 'the one' that I think we'll keep. It's pricey, but worth it.

    1. Good bedding is worth it!! I never regret splurging on sleep-related items. Ask me about my $100 pillow!!

  9. My big project the next couple of months is redoing my aquarium, so the $134 I spent in January (yikes!) on decor is the purchase I'm happiest about. Luckily, this is basically a one-off; I haven't redone my fish tank in years and keep telling myself it'll be worth it in the end.

    1. Absolutely you'll use it for years. And think of how happy your fish will be!

  10. The best money spent in January was on dinner at our fave restaurant (112 Eatery) for a friend's bday dinner. January was an expensive month since I had to hit my deductible before the co-insurance would kick in but luckily I had enough in my HSA to cover it. Phil could have pitched in if need be though. It would have sucked to pay out of my checking account!!

    1. Yes!! Dinner with friends is always worth it!

  11. I think that experiences are completely worth it! These days I spend the most on accommodation and transportation, but this week my food and entertainment costs will be a bit higher due to moving around more and being in a place where the entertainment is necessary!

    1. Accommodation is so expensive no matter what! Rent, mortgage, daily rates at hotels. So much money for a roof and a bed.
