Friday, February 21, 2025

Last Weekend

My brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and 15 year-old nephew came to visit us last weekend! My sister-in-law and I are PEAS IN A POD and we have so much fun when we get together. I put together an ambitious itinerary of things that would appeal to a teenage boy. Was that successful? Eh. I'm pretty sure he'd rather have been hanging out with his girlfriend. 

Friday night they drove here in crazy snowy conditions and we went to dinner at a traditional supper club. It was fine, but I really wanted a Friday night fish fry and they didn't have one. WHAT KIND OF SUPPER CLUB IS THIS?

Saturday I had two main events planned. One, bowling at the student union. There are also pool tables and ping pong and we had a blast. My final scores were 80 and 69. I'm obviously an amazing bowler.

After a meandering lunch and a break to walk the dog and make sure the cat hadn't invited all the neighborhood felines to the house for a party, we went to the local golf simulator. For what I consider an exorbitant price, we got 1.5 hours on Bay 1. I've never golfed a day in my life and I found it crazy hard to get rid of the idea that I was going to release the golf club and brain someone in the head, so I don't think this was a good first experience for me. But the 15 year-old did enjoy it, so make of that what you will.

We broke a longstanding boycott I had of a local business for dinner (they behaved so irresponsibly during peak COVID) and I have to admit that the cheese curds were some of the best I ever had. I'm not linking to them, though, because I still think their ownership sucks and I also watched two people gamble away hundreds of dollars in forty-five minutes at some of their machines, so I don't think this place has the best interests of the community in mind. 

Sunday! It was the day we went to Milwaukee!

First up! We went to a smash room where we each had an opportunity to throw and smash breakable objects. I just pretended I was swinging a bat at the heads of some of our elected leaders. Oddly enough, this was not a hit with the teen. I think he was maybe too self-conscious about the whole thing.(I bet it will not come as a surprise to anyone reading this that I was NOT self-conscious and had a blast.) 

Then we had lunch at a weed-themed restaurant called Cheba Hut. .You guys! The food was TO DIE FOR. I ate so much food. And I have no regrets. Was it appropriate to bring a teen there? Maybe not, but it was close by and the sandwich was so good I cannot describe it to you. It was huge and covered in cheese. 

On the way to our next activity, we passed by a place that sold "bubble waffle cones" and my SIL and I were instantly intrigued and started lobbying to stop. My husband was *shocked Pikachu face* because we'd just eaten our bodyweight in weed-themed sandwiches, but there's always room for ice cream, right? We didn't have time, though. We went to our next stop, which was a University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee basketball game.

And as if BY MAGIC we walked by a bubble waffle cone store RIGTH BY OUR SECTION. If you think my SIL and I didn't immediately squeal with delight, you are not reading this situation correctly. MAGICAL!!!!!

(Also, this is beside the point, but I had no skin in this game. I thought all the tall young men on the court did an awesome job. But I was horrified at how rude people were to the visiting team. I don't know. It just didn't seem like great sportsmanship. And, frankly, some of the people who were there to support the visiting team were sort of nasty in what they said about/to the home team, too. Maybe I'm just not cut out for collegiate athletics.)

And after a break to walk the dog and check to make sure the cat hadn't murdered anyone in our absences, we went to dinner at the local smokehouse (interestingly enough, you're good to order just about anything other than BBQ here) before we said our goodbyes. 


What can I plan for the next time the teen boy comes to visit? 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, I'm still tired from all the excitement.

  2. Wow, you really planned an amazing weekend! Complete with all the Wisconsin experiences (like cheese curds.) I'm glad to hear that Zelda didn't murder anyone or throw a huge party in your absence (she was probably happy to have the house to herself and napped the whole time.)
    I'm not sure I would have any idea how to entertain a teenage boy (or girl, for that matter- which is puzzling because I have one of those.) I think you did a great job.

    1. Ha! It turns out that I probably should have just left him alone in the house with Zelda. He is OBSESSED with cats. His mom is allergic, so he doesn't get to hang out with cats much, but he is IN LOVE with Zelda. It's so adorable to see this big giant boy being so gentle with a tiny cat.

  3. Sounds fun. I have no idea what a bubble waffle cone is. Should I?
    I think I would LOVE that Bustporium. It feels very cathartic. But I bet it would feel harder than I expect to actually break things on purpose. I suppose it also feels a bit wasteful. But still...CATHARTIC!

    1. I'd never heard of a bubble waffle cone, either. It's basically the inverse of a waffle - wherever there would be indents in a waffle, there's a bubble. And they make it into a cone for ice cream and it's wonderful!!! Huge thumbs up and you should try one if you ever come across one.

      The smash room was fun. It's all stuff that is already damaged, so I felt okay wrecking it. It felt great, to be honest. So much anger inside that was temporarily let out.

  4. This sounds like such a fun weekend! You did a great job of entertaining everyone, including the teenager! I have no idea what they like to do, and if they're even mildly amused, you've achieved greatness! I adore your bowling outfit - I need a cute outfit like that!

    1. The tunic is from RowanGreyClothing on Etsy and it looks like the shop is having a sale right now! I'm 100% considering buying another one in another color. If you're looking for a shop with pretty ethical practices, this is one I can definitely recommend! I wore it to bowling, but I also wear it to work and to lounge around the house.

  5. How much fun was this weekend?! And, all the amazing food? I have never been to a weed themed sandwich place, but I feel like I would just for the story…

    1. The food was SO GOOD. I think a lot of the weed references went over the 15yo's head, which is probably a good thing.

  6. I'm exhausted just reading about all your activities. But, THE ICE CREAM--worth every bit of cholesterol, and I'd have made it my meal for the day. Maybe I need to go to a Smashporium to get my stress relief, too--I'd be imagining the very same heads, I'm sure.

    I think you should just ask the teen boy what he really wants to do. By now, he should know that you're up for anything.

    1. I did get input from the teen on this trip. His only real response was "no museums." LOL. Next time I'll have him send me a list of things he likes to do. It's more fun when he's engaged than if it's just us adults having a good time.

  7. Engie, you could be a professional event-planner and gift-finder--you are so amazing at organizing these things!

    1. Ha! I don't know about that. It was a lot of fun to do all of it, though!

  8. You did it ALL! Looks like fun and a great way to spend a few days in the dreariest part of winter. Well done.

    1. YES!! Pre-COVID we did something every President's Day and it was a lovely break in the bleak midwinter. We're bringing it back!!

  9. This sounds like SO much fun. You really packed in a ton of activities during their visit! The photos are fabulous, by the way. I love how gleeful you look, and the photo of you all in your paint-spattered coveralls is adorable and very Ghostbusters-esque.

    1. My husband is a very dapper man who cares about his appearance a lot. I LOVED that he had to put on the jumpsuit and took lots of photos of him. LOL.

  10. What a fun weekend! I wonder if I should try a smash room.

    And yeah, if you aren't doing Friday Fish Fry you are not really a legit supper club. Come in, in WISCO of all places?! I don't even eat meat and I am shook LOL.

    1. I KNOW, Kim. What kind of supper club is it? I ended up getting SALMON. SALMON. My SIL did get prime rib, but I wanted fish fry. Sheesh. Do better, faux supper club.

  11. I haven't been to the Edgewater yet but have heard good things. I thought ALL supper clubs had Friday fish frys!

    I'm dying to know what the irresponsible restaurant with good cheese curds is. We weren't living here during Covid. I'd love it if you at least let me know on my blog, if you don't want to mention it here, because I'm DYING OF CURIOSITY and no, that is not an exaggeration.

    1. I sent Mark an email with the name of the restaurant and all my food hot takes for our town. If anyone else semi-local is interested, it's on the river and just a block away from the golf place.

  12. I have Gordo's on my Weekend to-do list! Now I need to get up there...So much cool stuff here. You definitely had a fun weekend! 💜

    1. Kari, it was amazing. I had a turtle bubble waffle cone and it was SO GOOD. Huge recommendation from me if you can get to Gordo's.

  13. What a fun weekend. I have to think all the sport-themed activities went over well! Most of my nephews would love those kind of activities! Especially the basketball game. That's disappointing to hear about the lack of sportsmanship but also not surprising? I feel like college games are especially bad with all those in attendance without fully formed brains! I think of the things we would chant when we would play our rival, NDSU. It was not great...

    Those bubble cones look amazing!! And how fun that you click so well with your SILs. I adore my SILs. My brother is now divorced and I remain closer to his ex-wife than I will EVER BE to my brother.

    1. If my BIL and his wife ever got divorced, I would get her in the breakup. She and I are kindred spirits in so many ways. I ADORE her and we always have way more fun together than the occasion warrants. We text a lot and I don't know if I've ever texted my BIL. He's great, but he's not GREAT.

  14. OK, what the heck is a weed themed restaurant? Is there cannabis in it, or is it just the name of the items?

    It looks like you had an amazing weekend, I'm so glad! Also, I love that your nephew is in love with Zelda. She is definitely obsess worthy.

    1. There's no cannabis - it's not legal here. It's just all the decor is weed-themed and the items on the menu are all weed variants (I think...this is where my ignorance will show). The food was wonderful, though, and I highly recommend it.

  15. I love that you love your sister in law - you guys even kind of look alike. Sounds like a really fun weekend. I have never seen a weed-themed restaurant, but that one looks super fun. I have never been to a supper club either, and I did not know they were associated with friday night fish dinners, but now that I do I am incensed on your behalf.
    I do feel I'm not cut out for college athletics. At one of our games, the opposing team had actually looked up some of our players' facebook profiles so they could say GROSS STUFF ABOUT THEIR SISTERS. Like who DOES THAT?
    I think there is nothing remotely inappropriate about bringing a teenager to a weed-themed restaurant, and I am a little surprised he wasn't into smashing shit.

    1. Allison! Come to Wisconsin and I will show you the ways of traditional supper clubs!! You HAVE to live the life to understand the life.

      Funny story. My husband has two brothers. They were in a wedding (I think it was a cousin?) and I was sitting next to my SILs. We are all vaguely similar looking - straight dark hair, pretty tall, and Midwestern bland. One of the neighbors turned around for the participatory part of church (sign of peace?) and blurted, "oh, my, the boys have a type" and we laughed and laughed and laughed. Was it appropriate to laugh that much in church? You decide.

      Anyway, my husband and his brother quote that at the two of us a lot.

  16. This sounds like a great time. Wow, you squeezed a lot into their visit. I'm glad they braved the weather and arrived safely. Snowy conditions are crap to drive in. I'd say maybe try one of those escape rooms? I've never done one personally, but people seem to really get psyched to be locked into a place and have to figure out how to escape in record time. I laughed at how you thought most of the tall guys were playing well. The unexpected ice cream is my favorite and my favorite photos. So cute. I have some really amazing SILs too, and I have so much fun hanging out with them. Two local (but far enough away that we don't get together often) SILs and their matching BIL spouses are our fav people to socialize with.

    1. Oh, I didn't even think about an escape room. I've been twice and I suck at them, but maybe he'd be better at it - playing video games and the like?

      I love my husband's family, I really do. I'd do anything for any of them.

  17. This looks like such a fun weekend (but whoa would I need a nap on Sunday!). I've never done a smash room (but it's one of the activity options for book club this year!) or a golf simulator, but I have gone bowling! My scores were on par with yours so we should definitely be professional bowlers.

    I'm not sure what would appeal to a teenage boy. My nephew just wants to watch sports and watch TikTok on his phone, and that's not very fun. *shrug*

    1. I did my best to try to be more entertaining than the phone. I'm not sure I was successful, but I did do my best! He did enjoy that he beat me in bowling, so at least that made him happy.

  18. You planned an amazing weekend - so glad that you had a wonderful time with the in laws. I love the story of the wedding that you shared above. I think I figured out what the local restaurant with questionable practices was, based on google reviews that highlighted the quality of the cheese curds but not the service. ;) Is that Good to Go place related to the place we saw in Cambridge, across the street from where we got lunch? the menu options seemed similar.
