Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Hot Takes In the Comments (Other People's Blogs)

Want to hear a rant about mascara? (Elisabeth's blog.)

I actually have more to say about mascara. The answer is Maybelline Great Lash. I don't want to hear anything else. It volumizes, thickens, and comes off with a Neutrogena wipe. I have tried so many other versions of mascara, but I end up coming back to Maybelline. Don't at me with your Loreals, your Benefits, or your Cliniques (seriously, Clinique mascara might as well be tar). The answer is Maybelline in the hideous pink tube with the green lid. 


My local grocery store? (Mark's blog)

Characters in a romance novel? (Diane's blog.)


Face moisturizer? (Nicole's blog.)


Grocery shopping on the weekend? (Kae's blog.)


A popular book I think is actually really bad? (Lisa's blog.)


Yes, all of these things are about books, personal care items, or the grocery store. DON'T JUDGE ME. I am who I am.


Leave a hot take in the comments. The more caps lock, the better. 


  1. Wait, I'm confused. If you have the perfect mascara, why are you currently using a mascara you hate?!

    I regularly shop on Saturday mornings. It's quiet in our town, and one store I frequent has special deals that are only available on Saturday and Sunday.

    Hot takes? I NEED TO START LEAVING CANADA IN THE WINTER. Snowbirding to America is out (for at least the next 4 years)...but this weather, Engie. It is so cold and windy and icy and just MISERABLE. AND MY KIDS HAVE HAD FOUR SNOWS DAY THE LAST FOUR DAYS OF SCHOOL and between sickness, weather, weekends and holidays MY KIDS HAVE LARGELY BEEN COOPED UP INSIDE FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS. When I saw your offer to vent hot takes in the comments I didn't think I had anything caps lock worthy. But the weather definitely warrants a lot of very angry caps lock.

    1. I suspect she was lured in by the siren song of some mascara on one of our blogs or perhaps even an IRL friend, and decided to try it, and now regrets it, but our Engie is not a money waster, so she's trying to finish the tube before going back to her beloved MGL. ENGIE, throw out the tube. Life is too short to use mascara that you hate.

    2. It looks like the comment from your blog was 2/3, Elisabeth. I was struggling with a tube of mascara (CLINIQUE - FIE ON YOU!), but I did as J suggested and threw it out and went to the drugstore and bought my beloved Maybelline. I actually bought TWO tubes because it was buy one get one half off.

      Okay, hear me out. We need to reframe winter. It's FABULOUS that we have snow. It's FABULOUS that your kids are making snow day memories. It's FABULOUS that we have heat indoors. It's FABULOUS that outwear is so much better made than when we were kids. WINTER IS GREAT. Okay, did that help?

  2. I like grocery shopping. And never wear make up. And I tried reading some popular fiction books recently that were suggested on blogs, and I hated the characters . ( What the Neighbors Saw, The Perfect Couple.) Why read modern fiction - no one is nice. Back to The Blue Castle!

    1. -mbmom11 ( I don't know why I can't get rid of the me signature on some comments)

    2. If only ALL the books could be TBC. I can't believe how funny I am finding it.

  3. My goal now is to write something controversial so you'll have a rant in my comments! Maybe if I tell you that I often do the grocery shopping on Sunday afternoon...

    1. Sundays during football season can actually be okay around here, particularly if you time for when the Packers are playing. Somehow it seems better to me to do it on a Sunday.

  4. Aw yiss! It's taken me a long while to figure out that the real posts are in the comments!

    I'm Team Kae for Saturday grocery shopping. Yes the stores are less crowded on Monday night and yes Monday nights suck anyway, but for me personally the work day is so draining that I don't even want to make a quick run to the store, let alone do my weekly shopping after a work day. It's much more convenient to be out and about on the weekend. I don't really care about crowds - sure the lines might be a little longer but nothing major, and there's more people watching so it's more entertaining. Sure more people = more germs and could increase your risk of getting sick but if you take that argument a few steps further why do you work in an office or have any contact with humans at all? Most of us prefer to take that risk;-)

    Team Berry Pickers and Team Hello Beautiful for life!

    1. Yup. Berry Pickers and Hello Beautiful were two five-star reads for me, too!

    2. I'll give you Hello Beautiful, but Berry Pickers left me cold. As in, the writing was cold and emotionless. No one in that book felt anything proportional to what they went through. Just saying.

    3. You cannot compare the delightful people in my office with randos at the grocery store coughing without covering their mouths, picking their noses and then touching the grapes. You CANNOT.

  5. Skin Care: I use Olay in the jars, and I use ALL OF THEM. This winter, I use the Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Moisturizer (red jar) and the Vitamin C Moisturizer (yellow jar) together in the daytime. At night, I use the Retinol 24 Night moisturizer (purplish blue jar). My grocery store always has a $5 off coupon for them, and THEY ARE WONDERFUL.

    Mascara: I have searched MY ENTIRE LIFE for the ideal mascara. I have tried the pink and green Maybelline and, so sorry, I HATE IT. Currently, I use two--Cover Girl Clump Crusher as a base coat, and then The Falsies Lash Lift by Maybelline for the finish coats.

    Grocery Shopping: Once I retired, I decided to never, ever shop on weekends or evenings in order to free up those times for those who work. Thus, I shop on Wednesday or Thursday mornings each week. YOU ARE WELCOME.

    Dog Walkers/Owners: In general I find most dog walkers/owners to be courteous and realistic about their dogs. I love the neighbourhood dogs I've met: I buy and carry biscuits with me on my walks in case I meet them on my way. HOWEVER--it is disgusting to see dog poop right on the sidewalk as I take my exercise. WHY IS IT THERE? WHO IS ALLOWING THEIR DOG TO JUST SHIT ON THE WALKWAY AND LEAVE IT? HOW IS THAT OKAY?

    Books: Overall, I've become sort of disenchanted with contemporary fiction. I don't read mysteries/thrillers, and a lot of it has those hallmarks. It seems difficult to find something truly worth reading. I may go back to nonfiction and the Victorians for a while because I FEEL UNFULFILLED. I just ... need MORE.

    1. Don't hate me Nance, but Olay products all smell like old lady and I'm not ready for that in my life just yet. Maybe in another ten years.

      FALSIES!! I hate that mascara SO MUCH. The Cool Bloggers love Falsies, but I found it clumpy and uneven and I HATE IT. I really can get hepped up about mascara.

      I don't know who these dog walkers are who are just leaving shit everywhere. I swear I pick up Hannah's poop. I PINKY PROMISE.

    2. Hey now - I use Olay for my morning moisturizer on my face. That's the only one I use. My mom always used it and come to think of it, she did smell like an old lady. I don't think it has an odor anymore.

    3. Wow. I feel like you are purposely mean to me, Engie; I mean it. Olay products perhaps used to smell Old Ladyish, but now they really don't. The yellow jar is pleasantly citrusy; the red jar has a very faint scent that immediately disappears. I don't think the night cream has a scent at all. I can assure you that I do NOT smell like an old lady.

    4. Okay, I'll take it back, Nance. It has been over a decade since I've used an Olay product. Maybe they've fixed the smell issue!

  6. Aisle blockers in the grocery store. AISLE BLOCKERS. I actively try not to use a carriage because it makes me feel impossible, but when I do, I actively pull to the side I drive on when I go down an aisle and “park” my carriage if I need to go look for something. Why would you leave your carriage in the middle of an aisle - or, worse, DIAGONALLY in the middle - and go on a wander?!? Am I supposed to move your carriage to get around it? I have no recourse. I have no horn to beep. I am listening to my podcast trying to find sundried tomatoes. Nightmare.

    That might be the most caps I’ve used in a comment EVER. Maybe I’m entering my ranting era?

    1. YES!!! AISLE BLOCKERS!! Why are they so unaware of other people?! How do you even live your life so oblivious to what a pain in the rear you are to everyone around you?! And the people who don't put the carts in the cart corral in the parking lot? Who are those people?! We have a lot of grocery store angst, I guess.

    2. I'm sorry, but why would you leave your shopping cart anywhere to go look for something? IT HAS WHEELS; TAKE IT WITH YOU. I am so irked by people who wander off, leaving their carts behind, blocking access to shelves that contain Stuff I Need. That's when I kindly shop for them, placing random items in their abandoned carts.

    3. Yes to both of you! I apparently do have such grocery store angst, oops haha. I used to gather carriages in a home improvement store parking lot during my grad school retail days and it was like people were trying NOT to put their carriages back in the collection lanes.

  7. One thing I feel very strongly about is OFF-LEASH DOGS. First of all, it's illegal. Second of all, I don't care how nice your dog is, it makes me extremely uncomfortable to encounter an off-leash dog. Go to a dog park if you want to have your dog off leash. You chose to have a dog and live in an urban area. Follow the gd rules! I will cross the street if I see an off-leash dog but sometimes I can encounter one without advanced warning and it makes my heart race.

    Second pet peeve is comments people will sometimes make about how "they wished they had as much time to read as I did." We all have 24 hours in our days. I am not a magician. I get extra peevy if they follow up that comment with suggestions about a show I should watch. I don't watch much tv because I prioritize reading. If you want to read more, watch less tv or do less of something else that is taking away time from reading! Or just accept that you don't really want to read more and are happy with the choices you are making. There is no "right" amount to read or any moral superiority to reading. It just happens to be my favorite hobby and something I prioritize.

    1. 1,000x yes about off-leash dogs. We have had so many issues with off-leash dogs over the years, especially because one of my kids is TERRIFIED of dogs. Two kids have died in Canada in the last week or so from dog bites (within their own homes). Dogs are animals with animal instincts (FAIR ENOUGH). Every time an off-leash dog runs and jumps on me the owner always says things like "Oh, they'd never hurt anyone" and laugh it off. I never, ever laugh. ARGH. YES SO MANY CAPS LOCKS FOR THIS, LISA!!
      Last summer an off-leash dog darted in front of my sister while she was biking and she ran into the dog (who ended up being fine), sending her flying over her handlebars and she broke at least one rib.
      And people that leave dog poop everywhere (or, for some inexplicable reason, put it in a poop bag but then leave those bags everywhere).

    2. Oh yes, I left off Phil's pet peeve which is that people put their dog's bags of poop in our trash can and then it gets stuck to the bottom of the can in the summer and that becomes A REAL PROBLEM IN THE HEAT. SO then we have to wash out our garbage can. He put a homemade "no dog poop" sign on the garbage can which the trash people kindly replaced with an official "no dog waste" sign that they clearly keep on hand and yet people STILL PUT BAGS OF POOP IN OUR TRASH. Sheesh.

      I also have a fear of dogs so off-leash dogs terrify me. My kids are also a bit afraid of dogs so it's especially problematic when we encounter an off-leash dog and I have the boys with me.

    3. I am a dog lover and am not afraid of dogs, and I will go out of my way to say hello to dogs when I'm out and about, but OFF LEASH DOGS ARE A PROBLEM! Some people are scared of dogs. Some dogs are scared of other dogs. (My cousin has a rescue that clearly came from a traumatic background, and is very reactive and scared of other dogs. This dog still deserves to live and have a walk, and she tries to take her dog during times when there are fewer dogs, will cross the street to avoid other dogs, etc. Off leash dogs could become a dog fight if they rushed up to my cousin's dog, definitely.) Some people have balance issues and if a dog were to jump up on them, even just a bit, they might fall and be injured. I AM WITH YOU ON THIS. Also, what is with the poop bags? I complained about poop bags on the side of the sidewalk on FB once, and a friend who lives in a rural area and hikes in the woods with her (off leash) dogs said that in her case, she would leave them on the side of the trail so she didn't have to schlep them the whole way, but would pick them up on her way back home. OK, MAYBE, but this is NOT what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people in my city who leave them on someone's lawn or whatever. It's shitty behavior (haha!)

    4. Hi! It's me. I'm the problem. I let Hannah off leash at our local park and behind the middle school. These are wide open field areas and I can see if pedestrians are approaching and leash her right away. But, I will be honest, people on bicycles have snuck up on us and have been a problem in the past. *shrug* Sorry. (I'm not really sorry.)

      I have also dropped poop bags before and NOT NOTICED. This is a particular problem in winter when I'm wearing gloves (I've done it twice this season, I think) and in the summer when I am super sweaty and it slips out and I don't notice (I think I've done this twice the entire time we've had Hannah). I've been able to find one or two of those bags when I was on a different walk with her, but some of them are just MIA.

    5. I've cut an entire two-block area out of my walk because of an off-leash dog. Hey, people, I DON'T KNOW YOUR DOG, AND IT DOES NOT KNOW ME. I turned the corner and it came barrelling out of its back yard and stood on the sidewalk. I was scared to death. Stranger Dog bites are not something I need in my life.

      I do walk through a (former, now closed) school parking lot and field area, and I know some people take their dogs to exercise there. A few put their dogs on very long leads that they allow to drag on the ground so that they are never within more than a few feet of being able to grab it.

      Dogs are animals, after all, and they will be unpredictable. Lots of dog owners forget that, I think.

    6. I am a dog owner and I get annoyed at other people's dog's poo and yes the poo filled bags left around. We always pick up our dogs poo and either throw it in the bins provided at the park or take it home. We also only let our dog off-lead in off-lead allowed areas. Luckily we have beach areas and a fab park near us which are off-lead dog areas.

    7. I also do NOT like off leash dogs, except this one older-looking golden retriever who walks in our neighborhood with his owner but is the most perfectly behaved dog I've ever seen. LOL. He prances along right next to his owner and never steps a paw out of line except to just sweetly wag his tail at you as you go by. But he never strays an inch. He is okay. ;)

      Charlie is not a big dog, and if I see a large off leash dog, how am I supposed to know if the dog is not going to come EAT my dog?!?! (Seconding Nance's comment above- I presume (I hope) that if people have their dog off leash, they know the dog is well trained, but they can be unpredictable...). There is a family with a HUGE Rottweiler a block from us who is off leash always (in their own yard, but unfenced). It's a corner lot, so he's basically along the street. Anyway, he is HUGE. And seems very well trained, but when we walk by (ALWAYS on the opposite side of the street, obviously) he definitely takes interest in us. Sometimes he'll start walking our way and I hear them calling him back, sometimes repeatedly. He always listens (and I tell Charlie, look what a good boy that dog is!) but I always watch him very closely, because if for some strange reason he decided to turn his ears off or got the idea to NOT listen, I am not really sure what his owner standing way over by the patio door would do about it. Meanwhile, neither Charlie nor I are any match for that muscular guy!

      Also, about dog poop... What is UP with people?!! I have seen so much poop laying around lately on our regular loops. Like, are people thinking if they let the dog poop in the snow, when the snow melts the poop will melt too?? I have literally picked up other dogs' frozen turds lately that I've seen in yards where I KNOW they don't have their own dogs. (I mean, I don't go around doing this, but if Charlie happens to go near a spot where I see other poop, I grab it at the same time. Which is gross, but I feel like I'm doing a Random Service Act of Kindness to the homeowner. ;-)

    8. +1 for off-leash dogs. It would drive me crazy when I had Dutch and the dog would come up to him and the owner would be like, "He's friendly!" GREAT. Well, my dog is deaf and blind and TINY and thinks he's being attacked. It's so irresponsible!

  8. This is cracking me up! I do love a good comment section debate. Honestly, that’s where the magic happens.

    Ugh, I can’t stand grocery stores on the weekend either. I have a friend who raw dogs life and will actually go to Costco on a Saturday afternoon. My right eye twitched just typing that.

    1. Kari, my eye is twitching now too, just at the thought of going to Costco on a Saturday afternoon!

    2. Okay, here's the deal. We HAVE to go to Costco on Saturdays. We need to go to the pharmacy and it is open super limited hours. It's too far away for us to get there in time after work during the week and it's not open on Sundays. So it's Saturday Costco trips for us. There is no other option. And since they don't open until ten, it's usually creeping into lunchtime by the time we get there...

    3. Whoa whoa whoa. Stop the bus. Am I reading this right? You won't go to Woodman's on a weekend due to the crowds but you'll go to COSTCO?!?!!?! 😂 Make it make sense Engie! (But I hear you. I think your reasons for going to Costco are in line with MY reasons for going to Woodman's on a weekday. With my later work hours now + kid stuff etc in evenings, it just doesn't really work to do a big grocery shop on the weekdays right now for me. So, weekend it is! Our Woodman's is so big though I really haven't had any issues. Like the parking lot will be full, but no one area ever feels really that crowded. I am never elbow to elbow in the produce section even on a Saturday afternoon... 🤷‍♀️ Which has been a pleasant surprise.)

    4. The problem is definitely the hours of the Costco pharmacy. If we had to go more often than every 4-6 weeks, I would probably change pharmacies. LOL.

      Our Woodman's is crazy. You can't even drive the cart down the cheese aisle most of the time because it's packed. Going on a weekday evening is the only way to keep my sanity. (Also, we've been to the Woodman's in Sun Prairie next to the Costco a few times on a Saturday and it is NUTS. I honestly just feel like Woodman's is always insane.)

  9. Replies
    1. I'm trying to incite riots in my comment section.

  10. This is just what I needed to read today! So many good laughs!
    My local grocery store is so awesome and opens at 6 a.m. I can't bear shopping with the crowds - I get panicked. Yes, I get up at 3 a.m. and I'm out shopping at 6 a.m.!!! Ha! Ha!

    1. Stores that don't open until ten and are closed on Monday and Tuesdays are the bane of my existence. How am I supposed to get there?!

    2. Michelle - I rarely wear makeup. I do, but it's rare and I, too, resent the beauty standards. Like, do we ever stop and think how weird this is?

  11. WUTHERING HEIGHTS IS NOT A ROMANTIC BOOK!!!! I had a roommate in college and we used to have endless discussions on Jane Eyre vs. Wuthering Heights and which was the more romantic book. I mean her position was flawed to begin with and then take the fact that Catherine DIES and Heathcliff spends the rest of his life miserable - I mean how is s that at all romantic????

    And that's all just from my morning.

    Maybe Jonathan and Sam will pop up in a subsequent Alexis Hall book and you will see you were wrong about that one.

    1. Oh, Diane--THANK YOU. Wuthering Heights is a good book (I'm in love with Victorian fiction and the Brontes), but it's not romantic in the least. And I'm no fan of Heathcliff. SO MANY RED FLAGS. I'll take Mr. Rochester over Heathcliff any old time, and he's got some red flags, too.

      Still, I would be nuts if my socks didn't match (even if I were wearing boots). And I broke up with Doritos long ago.

    2. Yeah, non-matching socks is a problem, particularly if they have different lengths/seam placements. The non-symmetry of it would drive me insane all day!

      I've never read Wuthering Heights, so I can't weigh in, but I feel like I want to have an opinion as strong as this!

    3. Do yourself a favour - don't ever read this book. It is SO depressing and horrid. That said, I kinda thought the same about My Brilliant Friend, so I suppose some people love the book?! But I've read it twice and it was just as bad the second time if not worse.

  12. Sorry Engie, we have to agree to disagree on Maybelline Great Lash. I have tried to love it many times; as so many swear by it but I CAN'T STAND IT. Now to be fair, I've yet to find THE perfect mascara for me, but I know that Maybelline Great Lash isn't it. So the hunt continues.

    1. Wow! No wonder there are so many mascaras - we all want something different out of it!

  13. Groceries: I have tried to avoid grocery stores on the weekend, but our Jewel doesn't hire enough checkers for the weeknights and I can stand there forever to check out. I'm not using the self checkout with my $400 worth of groceries. There isn't enough space to place my bags of food and the computer keeps yelling at me "please replace item to the bagging area." I recently started shopping on Sat or Sun, whichever works. My husband can help then and the store might be crowded but the store prepares to be crowded then and I can get out in decent time.

    Parenting: The parents who refuse to say no to their small children are doing them no favors. (I run a daycare in my home, so I know things).

    Also, I'm in agreement with the unleashed dogs. Coach was nipped by our neighbor's German Shephard last year, and they still don't leash him. Like, he broke the skin.

    Obnoxious fans: My kids play basketball and at a recent game, a mother from the other high school team's fan section screamed or said stuff LOUD during our kids' free throws. I know teenagers do that when in a fan section, but a MOM? I found that so strange.

    tenure: I'm opposed to high school teachers getting tenure. We have a teacher at our high school who has made racist remarks to his team. He mistreats teenage kids and has no business teaching, but he has tenure. It's ridiculous.

    1. Ernie--I was a tenured teacher. In Ohio, in order to be granted tenure, I had to meet the following three criteria:

      *hold a professional, permanent or life teacher's certificate.
      *hold an educator license for at least seven years and have taught in the district at least three out of the last five years.
      *have a master's degree at the time of initial certification, or complete 30 semester hours of coursework in the licensure area. If the teacher had earned a master's degree at the time of initial licensure, then he or she must complete six semester hours of graduate coursework in the licensure area.
      *earn a final summative rating of proficient or accomplished on two of the three most recent evaluations.

      Additionally, I was under performance review every 3 years for my entire career.
      Having said all of that, I do understand your frustration. Not all tenured teachers are good/great teachers. It IS possible to get rid of a tenured teacher; it's just harder.

    2. I was at a college basketball game last weekend watching two teams that I had no stakes in. I was horrified at how much trash talking was done by everyone - players and "fans" alike. Not very sporting, imo.

    3. Nance - I'm 100% confident that there are excellent teachers and that you are one of them. Getting tenure sounds daunting. If you knew what this particular character has done in the classroom and while coaching - the derogatory things he has said, the way he has intimidated CHILDREN, I know it would turn your stomach. When we met with the district complaint person before filing our lawsuit, she told us that unless he touched a child inappropriately there was very little chance that he would lose his job. It makes my blood boil every time I see him at the school. He should be not be teaching. Mind blowing.

  14. I have to admit that nothing brings out strong opinions like offering open season on *stupid* in your blog comment section. I laughed my way through all of this and thank everyone. My ONE consistent complaint is that COOL WHIP IS NOT FOOD. Do not offer me anything having to do with it. Also, agree about Clinque mascara, it sucks.

    1. Hm. Does Cool Whip taste that much different than regular whipped cream? I must experiment with this so I can also have a strong opinion.

  15. Geez, this was only yesterday and I already feel like I missed the party. I know I have Hot Takes, but I can't remember them in my present tranquility/despair. I live in hope of finding the perfect mascara. I am presently using the Sephora Love the Lift mascara, because they had a very well-priced small one at the cash and it was pretty good, but I have never used a mascara that isn't at least a little bit clumpy. I swear I have seen people wear mascara that makes their lashes look darker and thicker but not obviously mascara-ed. WHERE IS THAT MASCARA FOR ME?
    Grocery store aisle blockers make me rage to the point that my vision blurs. HOW can someone be that unaware of other people in a space where there are always other people?
    I will starve before I go to a grocery store on a weekend.
    I get a little prickly when people do the 'wish I had time to read all those books' too, although I work part time so I do actually have more time than some people. Still, it seems condescending.
    Oh! I have one. I hate when people complain about young people saying "no problem" or whatever instead of "your're welcome" in retail or service positions. I've been meaning to post about it, so thanks for the reminder.
    I was a bit surprised by all the ferocity of opinion about top sheets on my blog a while back.

    1. Yeah, people who comment on how much I read do sort of annoy me, too. I don't watch tv or movies or listen to music. What do you think I'm doing with my time?! But, you know what? I don't know how some people exercise for hours a day or have a perfectly immaculate house. I guess it's all in your priorities.

  16. This makes me extra glad I never finished The Berry Pickers.

    One of the things I adore about you is your willingness to be honest with your feelings about things! Love all these rants.

    1. Down with the Berry Pickers. That book had such promise and failed to deliver. Sorry, not sorry on this hot take.

  17. This comment section was INSANE, hahaha. I will have to disagree about Maybelline's Great Lash. I tried it once because it was such a cult favorite but it didn't do anything for my lashes and was clumpy. So now I'm on the Falsies train and I love it, especially because it doesn't smudge!

    My favorite time to grocery shop is a weekday morning - nobody's there, it's quiet and calm. There is truly nothing like it! But I can't always make that work so I'm usually grocery shopping on the weekend, blah.

    I haven't read The Berry Pickers yet but one of my IRL friends also didn't like it, so now I feel like I HAVE to try it and see what camp I land in.

    1. I adore this comment section. I somehow insulted every one of my readers. Sorry everyone! Please forgive me. I do love all of you!

      I think Falsies are super lumpy. But I agree that Maybelline does not smudge - neither Great Lash nor Falsies. They have mascara down to the real science.

      You're gonna love The Berry Pickers, Stephany. I predict that it will become one of your new favorites.

  18. This is a fun idea I may need to borrow.

    When we lived in the PNW, we designated Wednesday as our grocery store night for many of the reasons you listed. I'm not entirely sure why and when we got away from doing this, because it does make the weekend feel longer.

    1. We used to go on Wednesday because we picked up our CSA on Thursday, but we've played around with it and landed on Monday. It works well most of the time, but as you know, staffing has been a problem recently. We might end up changing our time AGAIN.

  19. I would never give up my Saturday morning for grocery shopping. I shop Friday mornings (started this during Covid and it stuck!) and it's a great time to go to the stores.

    I will also have to try this Mascara. I've tried many, but haven't landed on a favorite.

  20. I am just reading this now and dying laughing at the knock-down, drag-out fights happening in the comments. Thank you for the likely unintentional mood lift at the end of a heavy week. (Grocery store - when they open, 6 am, on a weekday; no makeup; prefer on leash dogs; and WTAF about people who just leave their dog's poop on the sidewalk?)

  21. Wow, how did I miss this? I feel like I missed a really great party. BUT I just spent many minutes reading through the comments and this has been the best part of my day so far! Some of you would hate Europe hours; pretty much none of the stores open before 10, some are closed for lunch, some are closed after lunch and many are closed on weekends. Most grocery stores are closed on Sunday, so that takes away the Sunday issue. I went twice this week, once on Wednesday around 6 pm, and it was lovely and empty, and once on Saturday around 2 pm, and it was busy, including a lady with her cart in the middle of the aisle. I saw another lady just push it out of the way with her own cart and move on, so either than are more patient here or she was just holding in the fury.

    I could not tell you what mascara I use. It is in a tube, and it could be Maybelline. I know I bought it at the grocery store.
