Monday, January 27, 2025

Hannah's Worst Day

Just a quick reminder that CBBC starts next week! We're going to be reading The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery! Please join us!

February 3: Chapters 1-8
February 10: Chapters 9 - 15
February 17: Chapters 16 - 24
February 24: Chapters 25-32
March 3: Chapters 33-45
March 10: Wrap-up


Yesterday was A Day for Hannah. Consider, friends, what an ordeal she had.

When we went for our morning walk, it was still below 20 degrees, which is the threshold I have for making her wear her coat. She can go out without her coat in the teens, but she gets cold sooner and we end up cutting our walks short. In addition, I made her wear shoes on two of her feet. Can you even imagine how terrible she found all this? 

THEN! We had a visitor to our house. A VISITOR. This is so stressful for a dog. CONSTANT VIGILANCE that the visitor does not hurt a dog, the humans, or the cat. The visitor came over because she recently lost her crotchety old dog and wanted to experience hanging out with another crotchety dog. Well, who am I to deny her? (She met a dog today and will have a new dog in two weeks. Photos to follow when I meet this dog.)

Bonus photo of cat. Must protect her. 

THEN! The humans trimmed her nails. TRIMMED HER NAILS. The horror. 

As a reward, she then got to go for a long walk outside, but all she really wanted to do was chew sticks and roll around in the dead grass. I mean, you do you, dog.

I was only okay with her rolling around in the dead grass because I knew the next thing that was on the docket for the day was going to the pet store for a bath. MORE HORROR. If that's not the look of a dog who has deep resentment of her human, I don't know what is. 

I hope your weekend was better than Hannah's was!


What was the most fun thing you did this weekend? 


  1. I don't know if anyone can have as much fun as Hannah rolling in the grass- she looks so joyful.
    My fun was staying home and not driving to a basketball game. I got to try a new cake recipe and cleaned the bathrooms ( which had been sorely neglected as of late).

    1. LOL. Cleaning the bathrooms as preferable to driving to a basketball game. That's quite a statement!

  2. Sue sent me a video clip of dogs walking with booties on. It was hilarious, but i guess Hanna does well enough.

    1. She certainly did highstep when she first was learning. They're very clear in the directions that you should not laugh at your dog when they first put on their shoes. It makes me sad to watch those types of videos because it never feels nice to be laughed at when you're trying something for the first time and you're not good at it. Boots can be important for many dogs for many reasons - traction in the house for older dogs, protection from the hot and cold and salt and sand, and protection from trash for city dogs.

  3. Poor Hannah! What a day. We were laughing about the concept of a dog help phone. Imagine all of us in Rex's pretend voice "My mom went into the shower, and she didn't let me in the bathroom." "Rex, is that you again?" "My mom went for groceries and left me at home, she's been gone forever." "Rex, remember what we talked about."

    1. LOLOLOL. YES!!! "My humans made me get up this morning at 6 o'clock to go for a walk and I wanted to sleep in." "Your humans have to go to work to afford to feed you."

  4. hahaha-- her bath face!

    1. It's really pathetic. I feel like an abusive jerk when I have to bathe her.

  5. Bath face!!!

    Yesterday we took our rescue dog back to the pound.

    By which I mean that we kicked off Doggo's Gotcha celebration by taking her to visit the shelter that we adopted her from. She got to show off her trick routine for lots of treats, and gave everyone there a kiss. Then we came home for snuggles and cuddles.

    1. Yay for Doggo! I bet it was the best celebration she could have asked for.

  6. Hahahahaha.... yes, poor Hannah. That was a Very Bad Day for her.

    1. Indeed. Poor thing. Imagine if that were your life.

  7. Oh, poor Hannah, what a bad day! Hopefully she can shake it off. ;)

    I had a pretty good weekend, lunch with friends Saturday, lazy day Sunday. Hard to re-enter work life today.

    1. Today is the first day of the semester here and I'm anticipating a very busy day! I wish it were still Sunday.

  8. Oh, poor baby--I know she probably needed that bath... but she looks so miserable! <3 <3

    1. She smells so bad and when you pet her, your hand gets grimy and smells bad. I honestly don't know why she needs baths so often compared to other dogs, but now she is SO SOFT and smells delightful. It was worth it to me to take a couple hours out of our Sunday to wash her, although I'm not sure it was worth it to her.

  9. Oh goodness, any post about Hannah always has me in stitches. That does sound like a rough day. I feel her pain about the cold. I'm very over it!

    I am so excited about this book club and extra excited it's a new-to-me LM Montgomery book. I feel like I need to rush to PEI and explore more of her haunts now!

    1. If you do have any photos of PEI places that are related to LMM, I'd love to share them with the group! No pressure, but if we have a reporter in place, it could be fun to take advantage of that.

  10. Poor Hannah, so many injustices heaped on her in just a few days. What did I do fun over the weekend? Went to a little out the way candy shoppe to buy the best Chicago mix popcorn on earth. It's a treat, not cheap, but medicinal after a week like the last one.

    1. The popcorn place that I use as my treat HAS PERMANENTLY CLOSED. I am in crisis mode about it!!

  11. Oh the rage in the bath face!! This is too funny! Poor Hannah!

    The best part of my weekend was going over to our neighbor's house yesterday afternoon. The boys played with their 2.5yo who is totally enamored with our boys. And the adults were able to talk and socialize! They made chili and sent us home with leftovers which was so nice as meal prep is extremely challenging for us right now! I had already defrosted chili I made before surgery so I will freeze the chili they sent home for us for a future week.

    1. It will be easier and easier to socialize as the kids get older! Family events are super fun now that no one has to watch the pre-schoolers!

  12. OMG the photo of her posing in her coat and boots. I'm sure she is mortified when she passes another dog that is NOT dressed for the weather. Embarrassing.

    Coach, Reg, Curly, and I went to a college information luncheon hosted by St. Thomas. The food was great, which means they cared about my GF status, and the other random families that landed at our table were lovely. We enjoyed it, and it was free (and informative - as we wanted to get Curly to start thinking about college options).

    1. My husband did an adjunct gig at St. Thomas for a semester. That is all I know about that school. LOL.

  13. An outdoor walk (or two!), a social visit and a nice warm bath at the end of the day seems all quite lovely to me. I guess Hannah and I have very different ideas of "fun".

    1. Yeah, I don't think you and Hannah are on the same page about what fun is. Dogs have no sense of whimsy!

  14. My weekend highlight? I drove to Big Kahuna Tropical Fish in Madison to stock up on cherry barbs and scissortail rasboras. They have a pretty fin-tastic selection.

    1. Nice. Do you ever worry about transporting them when it's cold outside? I worry about the change in temperature moving houseplants, let alone fish!

    2. I did have that concern, yes. It's a solid 45-minute drive, but I had the heat on and they all survived the trip just fine. I tend to stick to hardier varieties though.

  15. My heart DROPPED when I read the title of this post. I feel much better having finished it, but slightly guilty for not empathizing more with Hannah.

    The photo of her in the shower is priceless. So is the one of her rolling around on the ground.

    Thank you for the bonus photo of beautiful Zelda!

    Did I do anything fun this weekend? No, I do not think so. That's not what you asked though, so I will say that the most fun I had was watching Gilmore Girls with my kid yesterday. We plowed through three episodes and I think she might be hooked.

    1. Oh, yes!! Gilmore Girls is so much fun! What is not to love?!

  16. The horror! The outrage! The indignity! It's like you GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to torture this fine dog. I'd say there's Special Place In Hell for people like you, but I don't believe in Hell, so, you know.

    (That Zelda--so worth protecting!)

    1. The humans in this house should be reported. So mean!

  17. Awww, poor Hannah! You take such good care of her, keeping her safe and trimmed and smelling nice - and all you get is a big glare!

    1. The thing is that I am bathing her in a pet store, so all the other pet owners think I am being So Mean to her!

  18. I'm calling PETA for sure. Poor Hannah. Why shoes on only two feet? Is it ok if her front feet get cold?

    1. This is a great question, friend!

      Hannah will wear her shoes, but that doesn't mean she likes it. So I try to only have her wear them when it is necessary. It's not really about cold, but mostly about protecting her feet from salt, sand, and ice. She's constantly getting stuff in her paws and lifting her paw for me to clean it out. This is adorable, but can really slow down our walk.

      So two shoes is a compromise. Her front feet have dewclaws and the boots irritate her dewclaws, so I have to wrap them in vet tape first and then put the shoes on and it's all a Big Production. This is the slightly faster way of dealing with it and I get stopped half as often to clean off her feet.

      I hope this doesn't come off as lazy. If it's super cold and I'm worried about frostbite, all the shoes are on for sure. It's just the in-between temperatures when I have to make some compromises.

  19. The bath photo is cracking me up. You can tell from the stiffness in her tail that she is annoyed!!

    1. Super Unhappy. She hates water so much. The next dog I adopt is going to jump into every puddle and that will drive me crazy.

  20. Oh no poor Hannah! I can't imagine trying to get Riley to wear a coat but luckily we don't live where that is necessary. The shoes would be even more difficult. We are babies and get other people to trim Riley's nails and give him a bath.

    1. We used to have other people do Hannah's nails, but they grow SO FAST, we really needed to start doing it ourselves. It's taken us a while, but she's relatively patient with us now. We use a Dremel and just file her nails. She also desperately needs baths more often than we could afford to pay a groomer, if we could even get into one (the groomers around here have long waitlists!). Anyway, we do it mostly because we're too cheap.

  21. Lila and Eloise EMPATHIZE GREATLY with Hannah's horrible day! They said that any day with visitors at their home is a BAD DAY INDEED.

    I, for one, loved all of the extra Hannah photos I got in this post, especially the one where she's having the time of her life rolling around in the grass!

    Best part of my weekend was book club!

    1. Visitors are so stressful. I'm not sure why humans like them, to be honest!
