Friday, September 15, 2017

CSA Week 15: The Biggest Cabbage Ever

I managed to eat all the peppers last week and while I'm still overrun with greens, that's fine because we didn't get any greens this week, so I think I can catch up. Here's the scoop with the basket this week.

Napa cabbage (it's so big)
Garlic (2 bulbs)
Onions (2)
Hot peppers (2)
Broccoli (2 tiny heads)
Cilantro (gag)
Sungold tomatoes

Because the cabbage is so big, I think I'm going to make a slaw with it AND try some of the kimchi recipe that was included in the newsletter this week. That kimchi will use the hot peppers, too. I'll eat the carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes raw. The rest of it is is basically storage vegetables (onions, garlic) that I'll throw in the storage and someday use maybe.

It goes without saying that the cilantro did not come home with me.
I think I'll be able to make a bok choy risotto for my lunches this week, we'll use the rest of the kale we have in a frittata, and I'll even be caught up on greens.  Whew. This CSA business is exhausting.

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