Monday, January 12, 2015

8.12 Dream - Insanity

Bestest Friend and I are in the middle of a blog project. Each day of the month we will post a picture on a pre-determined theme and write a little something about it. The theme for the twelfth day of each month is "Dream."
The sun sets by five. I rush home, certain that if I make it inside before the last ray slides out of sight, I will stay warm for just a little bit longer. It never works, but I hurry, hurry, hurry, just in case.
Last night, I dreamed I was in a horse jumping competition. My coach was this guy, Micah, I had a tiny bit of a crush on in high school. We sat together on the bus and did homework, listened to The Dead Presidents on his Walkman, and talked about how to get out there.  I can't find this guy - he's not on any social networking sites I can find and his parents don't live where they used to. Sometimes I think about him and hope he's still as awesome as he once was. Anyway, my horse didn't want to jump and Dream Micah kept telling me it would be all right.  But I never did jump with that horse and then the alarm went off.
To see what Bestest Friend wrote about the theme of the day, check out her blog, Too Legit to Quit.

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