Monday, October 07, 2013

Five by Five - The Counting Edition

One - The number of weekends I will be home with my husband and my cat in the upcoming month. I don't mind so much, but I like corn mazes and haunted houses and apple cider and pumpkin picking and I don't know exactly how I'm going to fit that in.
State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory,         
Forty-two - The low tonight.  We are finally getting some cooler weather.  It's fall, people. Sure, last year at this time, the leaves had changed and were falling off and this year some leaves have changed and others are still green as July, but it's getting cold in the evenings! Woot.


Sixteen  - The number of How I Met Your Mother season eight episodes we have watched since we realized that they had released that season on Netflix. It is entirely possible that I laughed harder than I can possibly remember at the episode with Behind the Music Robin Sparkles. If you don't know what I mean, that's too bad for you.
Robin Daggers (of course)
Four - The number of visitors we've had to our humble abode in the last week. That quadruples the number we've had in months. It also provoked a flurry of cleaning. I had forgotten just how lovely it was to sit down to eat at a table that wasn't covered with bills, EOBs, and weeks old Sports Illustrateds.
Currently tied for first in the NFC North! (Let's not discuss how it might be the worst division in the NFL...)

One - Crazy cat who has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm hoping that the vet will tell me that she's so beautiful and healthy that we will never have to go the vet ever again for a well kitty check.  But something tells me she's going to say that Zellybeans needs to lose a pound or two.

If you wanted to know what Zelda was doing as I was trying to write this damn post, it was attempting to get in the closet where her toys are kept. When I walked into the bathroom to get her to STOP DESTROYING OUR CLOSET DOOR, she looked at me with her giant eyeball and batlike ears as if to tell me "mind your own business, bitch."

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