Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Okay, I don't want everyone thinking my vacation was all evil illnesses, dead deer, and catty Christians. There was also not exercising, eating badly, and extended car trips in icy weather conditions!! Ha!! Oh, and a slew of adorable babies...including the following baby who I shall call Lex because, ummmmm, that's his name!!

Here I am holding Lex. He is a badass baby in his Metallica onesie. His favorite aunt, aunt NGS (honorary title, of course) bought this for him as a Christmas present. He loves to wear black. It's his favorite color. (That's me holding him, too. I am, however, also suffering from a crazy sickness and although the baby is fine in a short-sleeve onesie, I am wearing a long-sleeve shirt and sweatshirt because I was cold, people!! And probably giving that baby some illness from which he might never recover.)

Here I am cuddling the baby. He fell asleep while eating (notice the Elmo bib) and Bestest Friend took this picture, thinking that it looked somewhat inappropriate. Poor little guy. Four months old and accused of pornography already!
Yay for babies!!


  1. Anonymous1/09/2008

    If that lil headbanger don't get the biological clock ticking, then you truly don't have one!

  2. oooooooooh babies. i'm such a sucker. all the cliches about the bio clock are true....
