Thursday, January 30, 2025

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell (Part III of the review)

 Part I here and Part II here

Okay, so let's get real about some of the criticisms of the book. I've tried to remain mostly spoiler free in these reviews. but I'm going to talk about plot points in this post. 

There are a number of legitimate criticisms of the book. The first is obviously its portrayal of black people, frequently describing them as non-human, stupid, or incapable. There are lines in the book about how all the slaves at Tara (Scarlett's family plantation) and Twelve Oakes (Ashley's family plantation) were happy. The use of the n-word abounds. The treatment of Prissy and Mammy, even after they were freed, is abhorrent. 

I think this is all fair criticism. I also think it's an important artifact of its time. I am not dismissing the racism of the book. This was how Mitchell was writing about the 1860s in the 1930s. The novel is Scarlett's perspective and Scarlett is a very imperfect character and only really concerned herself with things for her own comfort and perspective. To her, all the stereotypes of black people may have seemed true, although how she could think black people were stupid when Mammy was in her life is puzzling. But that's the point, isn't it? Scarlett is not reflective about other people at all. She even admits in the end chapters that she never understood Rhett or Ashley. If she never stopped to really think about the most important men in her life, why would she bother to think about things like slavery? Scarlett literally thought the Civil War was not a big deal at the beginning of the novel. 

So, yes, there's racism. I think it's important to read books that show us that side of American history. It's important to hear and see it and think about how things are different and how things are the same. If you are a sensitive reader, this might not be the book for you. 

Another big criticism is the glorification of white supremacy and the romanticism of the Confederacy. It's not a Confederate soldier who nearly rapes Scarlett - it's a Yankee. It's not the Confederate soldiers who use Tara as a way station after the war that causes such money issues for Scarlett - it's the Yankees. The Confederates may have lost the war, but they were in the right.

In the context of the book, though, of course that's what Scarlett thought. She doesn't read books, she doesn't care about current events, and she's solely influenced by the people around her. If they all think this, why wouldn't she? Why would anyone expect any different? Also, as J pointed out in a comment on this post, Scarlett sees through some of it. She thinks the war is wrong, people are dying for principles, and that the cause is not worth the effects of the war on everyone from soldiers to civilians. 

For people who say this is Confederate propaganda, I have to say that they must be reading a different book than I am. It actually seems like an anti-war book to me full stop. There is definitely a feeling of romanticizing the plantation life in the antebellum period, particularly early on in the novel, but if you read the entire book and still feel that way, that says more about you and your own values than it does about the words in the book, full of descriptions of the terrible impacts of war on soldiers and civilians alike, property destruction, and ruin of community and that's before you get into the chaos and fear of the post-war period. 

Okay, let's move on to the Ku Klux Klan. Scarlett is vehemently against the organization because she thinks it's unnecessarily dangerous. She thinks that KKK members are fools. Her second husband kept his membership a secret from her (as did Melanie, Ashley, and India) because he knew she wouldn't approve. I actually read the book as vehemently anti-KKK and was surprised to see that  a criticism of the book was that it supported the KKK. Sure, Scarlett wasn't against it because she cared about black people, but she wasn't for it. I actually think it's to the book's credit that it addressed the KKK in this way. It would have read like Mitchell was nervous to address it head on if she'd left it out.

Yes, Mitchell was writing to encourage people to feel sympathy for the Confederacy. That still has impacts today. But if you read the book, as a truly thinking person, while you may feel badly for some of the characters, they're also all pretty terrible, so I didn't feel terrible for any of them. *shrug* Your mileage may vary on that. 

I feel a bit that I am going to come off as a Confederate sympathizer with this review. I am not. I don't actually think the book makes it seem like the Confederates were the good guys. I think a lot of the strongest defenders of slavery come from characters were are absolute idiots - in Chapter 57, Scarlett and Ashley have a quarrel over using convict labor at the sawmill and this happens:

“I’m not afraid of what people say as long as I am right. And I have never felt that convict labor was right.” [This is Ashley.]
“But why — ”  [This is Scarlett.]
“I can’t make money from the enforced labor and misery of others.”
“But you owned slaves!”
“They weren’t miserable..."

Scarlett is a selfish insufferable human who thinks using convict labor is better than using freed slaves for stereotypical reasons and Ashley says his slaves weren't miserable. But Ashley's an idiot. He is a member of the KKK. I don't actually read this passage as saying slavery was good. *shrug* It's all in your lens, I guess. (I do read it as convict labor is okay, which is wrong on another level, but Scarlett is portrayed as willing to do just about anything to make money, so I take that with a grain of salt.)

Let's talk about Margaret Mitchell. She was born in 1900, decades after the end of the Civil War. She was a journalist and Gone with the Wind is her one and only novel. Imagine writing ONE book and it's THIS ONE. Her grandfathers were both in the Confederate Army and didn't learn that the Confederates didn't win the Civil War until she was ten. She heard stories about the Civil War from family members growing up. One of her mentors was Thomas Dixon, Jr., a charming (/s) man who supported eugenics and the Lost Cause of the Confederacy. I've no doubt that Margaret Mitchell would not be a good hang and that she did intend for this book to be read as indeed romanticizing the Confederate cause. But the author's intention is not always how the reader interprets and that's the case for me while I was reading this book. 

Anyway. This book is a masterpiece. It raises so many interesting questions (most especially how does Mitchell write characters who are so terrible and yet so compelling) on so many topics and I find it remarkable, especially considering that it was a debut novel. Feel free to come at me in the comments. What do I have wrong here?


  1. I LOVE when an author makes me love terrible people.

    I think a lot of readers embrace Scarlet without understanding the depth of her terribleness. Like, yes, she is selfish and ruthless in her pursuit of "the good life" and also a shitty mom even by the standards of her time. But! She is SO MUCH WORSE than that when you add in her racism and Mitchell's racism and the racism of ... I don't know... AMERICA.

    As long as readers GET that and can sort of parse the imbrication of race and class and the 1930s and the 1860s and gender and patriarchy and white supremacy and the way white women are sort of always complicit in the exploitation of... EVERYONE WHO ISN'T A WHITE WOMAN, then this book is amazing for all if the reasons you describe. It's the unquestioned embrace of Scarlet O'Hara or the recognition of her most surface flaws without engaging in all the other stuff that is troubling to me. (Because as a country, we are STILL reckoning with all of these issues.)

    SO, anyway, I am still not comfortable saying GWTW is my favorite book (even though, I mean, it kind of is) because of what that might say about me. Like I am one of those ladies during the first Trump protest in 2017 who held one of those reprehensible signs that said NOT THIS WHITE WOMAN.

    All of that is so say, I agree with you and your read of the book.

    1. Yes, I guess it's true that if you read this book at just a REALLY SUPERFICIAL level, you might think Scarlett is more admirable than I think she is. And it is troubling that so many people seem to just read it in that manner.

      I feel like my own defense of this book gave me the ick, to be honest. But it is well-done! For real. And it's complicated. Just because Margaret Mitchell was gross doesn't mean I am? Or does it? Am I complicit?

  2. EXCELLENT REVIEW. I agree with you on all counts. It is a masterpiece. Scarlett is a deeply flawed and selfish person and she's also super strong, which I think is a rare portrayal for this time and place.

    1. Yeah, I failed to mention Mitchell's involvement in women's suffrage. She was a complicated figure and I can see why she has Scarlett be so...difficult.

  3. Agree to agree! Also agree to consider rereading GWT in the next year or so to check it out for myself. I've read it at least twice, but the last time was in my 20s so it's been awhile.

    As you know, I love old movies, which also means that I see problematic content on a regular basis. I consider it to be a valuable message from the past. The answer isn't to celebrate it or to censor it, but to ACKNOWLEDGE IT AND TALK ABOUT IT.

    1. I do think it's important to acknowledge it. The first paragraph I wrote about this book acknowledge its flaws immediately, but also acknowledges its brilliance. I have a form of cognitive dissonance about this.

  4. Stop trying to ruin this book for me!!! Just kidding- but once again I didn't read much of this post- I"ll come back to it after I've read the book.

    1. I'm happy to hear I've inspired you to read it!

  5. It's crazy that someone who can write like this (presumably, I haven't read the book but 100% am sure I'd think it was a masterpiece given your description) would only write one book. It's reminds me of Harper Lee and To Kill A Mockingbird (though I think the second book coming out really did notch down her mysterious nature and literary reputation quite a bit).

    1. YES!! I wonder if Mitchell would have lived longer if she would have sullied her reputation with a sequel. There is something about someone dying young that can make their reputation somehow MORE than it otherwise would have been.

  6. It IS crazy to think that this was her debut novel. Whoa. I appreciate all of your points and I agree that this is a book written a long time ago and i like how Birchie put it - a valuable message from the past. When I read it, I was in my 20s and I had seen parts of the movie (maybe) but I think I I went into read the book thinking that Scarlet was a super amazing woman. Maybe all I knew was the 'I don't give a damn' line. I remember reading it and being surprised to discover that Scarlet WAS selfish and a terrible mother, etc. I was like, This is not what I thought it was going to be. It hadn't occurred to me that she was almost raped by a union soldier, etc. and that the author was a confederate sympathizer. Great review.

    1. Scarlett really was a selfish brat and the way she treated her children was abhorrent. It's sort of shocking to me that people read this book and still talk about the character as if she's someone to be admired!

  7. You are convincing me to read this book again but I think I need to wait a few years. I mean, I got into an argument with my family about confederate statues at my dad's bday dinner so I think I am not level-headed enough to read it right now... But in a few years I might feel level-headed and open-minded I think/hope?

    1. I think it's always important to interact with material written by people who disagree with you. It's why I occasionally do watch Fox News. It does piss me off, but it also opens my eyes up to what the other side says. It was interesting for me to read an account of the Civil War from the Confederate side. It didn't change my mind, but at least now I know better how to rebut some of the arguments from those who talk/defend the Lost Cause narrative.

      So, should you read this again? I think it depends how upset you're going to be about it. In a few years we're going to be in the thick of another presidential election and I'm not sure that would be awesome for anyone...

  8. Good review. My mother, age 95, saw this movie when it first came out. She went on later to read the book and was thoroughly enchanted because she is a huge romantic, epic movie fanatic. She doesn't see 95% of all this stuff you talked about, and she doesn't like Reality messing with her view of things she saw in movies. In her heart she does believe what Ashley says about his slaves was true, and that it was probably that way in lots of the antebellum South. It's sad, obviously, and moreso because her sister lives in Gettysburg right across the street from part of the battlefield, and we all grew up vacationing there and absorbing all that history. All of that battle and the names and geography are as well-known to me as my own town. But my mother--GWTW is actual history to her.

    I think a good and discriminating reader can see What's Going On in this book. It's about what's really important to fight for; about people and not Causes; about how love of family and independence transcends amorphous concepts. That sometimes you have to suck it up and do the tough stuff, leaving behind the niceties of convention. Scarlett is conniving and breathtakingly awful in some cases, but she takes care of the big things and doesn't leave anyone behind.

    1. Yeah, I guess I sometimes overestimate the average reader, but even if you look at this book very superficially, it's hard to defend a lot of Scarlett's actions, you know? The book is about how you do what you have to do to get through and survive (and I think that without that really hard time at Tara, Scarlett would be entirely irredeemable) and I guess if you just focus on that, you will miss everything else. But I like to think most readers aren't like that. But, maybe I'm fooling myself. The average literacy rate is 7th-8th grade in the US, so maybe most people don't engage with their literature beyond the superficial.

  9. Ok, I think I REALLY need to re-read this book. Maybe once I finish all my library books, I can sit down and focus.

    1. I found the audiobook to be delightful if that's at all helpful!

  10. I love GWTW, and yes, it is a book written in a particular time by a particular person with her own beliefs and so on. I love that Mitchell can get me to love Scarlett, who is such a horrible person. I am sometimes uncomfortable admitting that I love it though, because the descriptions of people of color do not come from Scarlett's point of view, they come from the author (meaning, it doesn't say "Scarlett noticed Mammy's sad uncomprehending face like a monkey's", it describes her face as having the uncomprehending sadness of a monkey’s face.” And Scarlett doesn't think Big Sam wiggles in joy like a dog when he sees her, Mitchell does. I feel so conflicted about how much I love this book. If these descriptions are problematic and horrible to ME, how would a person of color feel reading them? I suspect not good.

    1. I've read the argument that because the book isn't told from the first person POV, but that there's an omniscient third person POV, it's not really Scarlett's thoughts. And maybe that's true (she would not know the details of the war the way the narrator did), but because it IS Scarlett's story, I still think of it is as Scarlett's POV. But you're absolutely right. I don't know if this is the book for every reader because some of the passages are cruel and unnecessary. And I can 100% respect someone's decision to nope right out of this.

  11. I love this review! I think it's really something when an author can write a character that is so complex the way Scarlet seems to be. The kind of character you don't exactly LIKE but want to know more about. This might be my 2026 project!

    1. OR, hear me out. You can count it as TWO big books since it's over 1000 pages and read it THIS YEAR!!

  12. Yes, can you imagine being a writer and this is your ONE book? Wowza! She covered a lot of deep topics in the book with some very flawed characters, but made us still love them.

    1. It's real writing genius, that's for sure!
