Thursday, April 18, 2024

Photo Every Hour 4/17/2024

I'm back with another exciting edition of me taking a photo every hour of the day. I feel like the last time I did this, it was sort of an exciting day, but  this is a very boring work day, so it's going to be a struggle. Let's see how the working hours between 8am and 4pm shake out.

5:32am - Stumble out of bed, turn off the alarm, turn on my SAD lamp and read for 20 minutes. I'm currently reading Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon and I am enjoying it so far.

6:22am - Had to cut my walk with Hannah short this morning because, while I will walk her in the rain, what was thunder and lightning in the distance when we started our walk started to worry me as we went further on. Hannah, who is a lazy dog and does not like to be on walks anyway, was very much okay with a shorter walk.

7:41am - I did Duolingo in the car on the way to work while Dr. BB drove.

8:04am - On the way to work I realized that my left pinky was bleeding. My eczema is in truly bad shape right now and my skin had just split open. I got to my office and went to the First Aid kit I keep in my desk (look, if you don't have lip balm, dental floss, nail file and clippers, Band-Aids, bacitracin, and spare ponytail holders in a box in your desk, I don't know what to tell you) and went into the bathroom to wash my finger and put a Band-Aid on it. All before I so much as changed my shoes.

9:52am - I'm going to a regional conference, but it's held on our campus, so I just had to troop up the hill to the student union. This log cabin "represents the pioneering experience." It's so weird that it's just plopped down in the middle of campus.

10:06am - At the conference. I sat with some nice folks from a different college and started chatting and then they made us all move to be at the same table with people from our own universities. I was sort of upset by this. I mean, I like my co-workers, but we never really got to meet people from other places. Grrr.

11:49am - We broke for lunch. One of the women that I had met before I was exiled to my university's table had mentioned she wanted to go to the bookstore, so I volunteered to take her over there. While we were over there, I had to take a photo of this gnome in honor of Nicole

12:16pm - I made it back to the student union. They gave us a lunch voucher, but I'm going to be honest with you, the idea of eating in a college cafeteria made me want to curl up in a ball. I took the lunch I packed this morning out to the balcony on the second floor. It was cold and threatening rain and five minutes after I took this photo, I had to go inside because it did start to rain. *sigh*

1:41pm - Friends, this was my entire afternoon.

2:11pm - Break. I just walked around for five minutes. 

3:49pm - We're almost out of here. 

4:58pm - Finally got home. Hannah was excited to see us. You can't tell from this photo, but she's wagging her tail like crazy. We're about to go on our walk. Also, I only took this one photo and the poor thing has her eyes closed in it. LOL. 

5:26pm - Walk with Hannah! Look at the tulips! And daffodils! She's like a dog model for a seed catalog. We took an extra long walk after our aborted walk this morning. It did not rain on us this time.

6:50pm - Dinner is done. I sat on the couch to start this post (you can sort of see my computer on the left) after dinner and Zelda decided I should really be spending time petting her. She was obviously right.

7:38pm - Started my yoga practice for the day. I normally like to get my workout in before dinner, but that wasn't in the cards for today.

8:47pm - Walk with Hannah before bed. It's windy, but otherwise the nicest it's been weatherwise all day.

9:35pm - I said goodnight to the girls, filled out my goal journal for the night, and headed up to bed. Hopefully I'll be asleep before the ten o'clock hour.


Did you do anything unusual yesterday? Or what was the most mundane of mundane things you did?


  1. It's a good idea for you and many others. I think I would have many photos of my den. But I may try it some day.

    1. I would LOVE it if someone did this and it was just photo after photo of their chair, tv, or wall. So funny.

  2. I was about to comment saltily about having to sit with your own colleagues at a conference and not new people - what a dumb idea! - but then I saw the gnome and I completely forgot what I was going to say in my excitement. And then! Hannah as a seed catalogue model. Love the little bursts of spring flowers, my friends in Calgary are experiencing a whole lot of snow, so it makes me doubly glad to not be there! What did I do yesterday...well, our entire yard is being torn up right now, but the happy news is my husband and I figured out the arrangement of our berry bushes - hopefully planting them TODAY.

    1. The gnome was just for you! I am enjoying the bursts of spring, too, and trying to remind myself every day that rain is necessary for these flowers to come out.

      BERRY BUSHES!! Oh, I can't wait to see/hear all about your garden.

  3. My thoughts perked up in the same order as Nicole's (gnome! flowers! Hannah!). And also, I wanted to know what you had for dinner.

    The most unusual thing yesterday was having a heart-to-heart with our college provost; the most mundane was my long-ass commute.

    1. Dinner was a frittata. It's easy and delicious. It's possible I also popped some popcorn as a side dish.

      Ugh. I'm so happy my commute is short. I don't know how I'd get through the day if I had a long commute!

  4. It's funny the different things that stand out to people from this post. The 5:32 wakeup- my alarm goes off at 5:30 but I usually stay in bed for a minute or two stretching out my feet before I get up- then I knock on my daughter's door and usually am saying "Angie- it's 5:32!" It drives her NUTS if I don't tell her the exact time (like I can't just say it's 5:30 if it's 5:32- I've learned, over the years.) Then, I was reminded that I had a dream last night where I was moving, somewhere up north and I was excited about it. Someone asked "what about winter?" and I said "I'll get a SAD lamp!"
    Of course I also appreciated the photos of Hannah, the flowers, and Zelda! Glad she made it into this post.

    1. You are a clairvoyant and predicted everything from this post! I always add a Zelda photo or two for you, Jenny. I know you worry that she doesn't get as much attention as the dog, but I assure you that she's well cared for.

  5. I loved this post!

    Did you notice the gnome has a hat (as they usually do), so I feel like this is doubly joyful?

    Hmm. Anything unusual yesterday? My son started floorball, so we went to our first session of that in 2024. Not unusual...but out of the ordinary since it has been nearly a year since he participated in floorball. Mundane? Housework. It never ends.

    1. I originally took the photo for a hat post next month! But then I realized it was the only photo I took in the hour, so I had to "waste" in on this post. LOL.

      Housework. *sigh* It really is a Sisyphean task.

  6. Did you do anything unusual yesterday? My April has been about re-planting our front yard for better curb appeal... so on the one hand putting in new plants was unusual but at the same time it was also mundane because it was nothing new for us to be gardening in the spring. And that's my muddled answer.

    1. Do you like yardwork? Neither of us like it, so no one does it and our yard definitely looks like the yard of two people who don't like it!!

  7. There is a lot of purple in this post, even your yoga mat and accessories are purple! Go purple! I love your 5:32 wake up too, but why 5:32 and not a 5 minute increment? I am curious! My friend has her clock set ahead like 16 minutes or something ridiculous and she would not let me change it (correct it) because she was used to subtracting 16 minutes! Why 16 minutes? I have no idea!

    1. Oh, my alarm did go off at 5:30!! I took the photo at 5:32. It took me two minutes to get out of bed, turn off the alarm, get the lamp set up, and take the photo. The timestamps are when the photos were taken.

      The clock in our older car was about five minutes fast for a year or two and we didn't change it because we don't drive it very much, but it was super annoying to have to subtract five minutes all the time. I can't imagine sixteen minutes! And I fixed our car's clock at the last time change.

    2. My car clock is set ahead 17 minutes so that, as a chronic late person, I can tell myself that it's 15 minutes fast but still have a slight buffer! It works for my brain.

    3. Welcome to my blog, Kate. I'm about to give you some cold, hard truth right now. Your car clock strategy is a crazy way to live.

  8. Hannah would make an excellent seed catalog model. The seating situation at the conference is baffling to me. Seems like the opposite of what conferences are supposed to do, networking-wise?

    Yesterday was unusual for me because I left the house at 8:30 am and didn't return home until 9:00 pm. I had a meeting, a doctor's appointment, and then a special event at my daughter's school so I didn't want to add an extra hour of driving into the day by coming home. We are all tired today. Nine is too late for me to be out of the house!

    1. So, the only explanation I can tell you about sitting with people from our own institution was that we were doing "groupwork" focused on our own goals in the afternoon and did need to be with our co-workers. BUT. I maintain we could have hung out with other people in the morning. I was frustrated with the whole situation.

      Being out of the house from 8:30 - 9 sound EXHAUSTING. I hope you get to chill out more today.

  9. I always like reading these, even though your life is routine to you, it's not to us! Seeing the flowers come out in the spring is an instant mood-booster, isn't it?

    1. I have so much more spring in my step with the way everything has really exploded in nature in the last week or so. Yay!

  10. Oof too much PowerPoint in your day, but what can you do? I would be irritated at having to sit with my coworkers after meeting new people.

    The best part of WFH is not having to keep a mini version of home in my desk drawers! But yes if you work in an office I don't know what to tell someone either if they don't have everything they could possibly ever need in their desk.

    Love getting to see H&Z. While we don't have a cat, Doggo cuddles like a cat and I'm hoping that she always will no matter how big she gets.

    1. I mean, it was pretty interesting stuff on the PowerPoint, so that helps. I just wanted to meet more people!

      I hope Doggo cuddles forever and ever. :) And continues with her amazing neck flexibility.

  11. I appreciate how managing to have your eyes closed for that *one* picture is not strictly the domain of 7 year old boys.
    Yesterday... I went to work. I was scheduled to be in at 4:30pm, but that rehearsal was cancelled so they asked me to come in for the 2pm rehearsal instead. I wish I could say that was unusual, but it happens more than I would like.

    1. No, it's not just for 7 year old boys! It's for 7 year old dogs, too!

  12. The conference took me back to my Inservice Days as a High School Teacher. I always wanted to sit at fun tables with the art or phys ed departments, but no! I was forced to sit with the English department always. I enjoyed sitting with colleagues--English Teachers/profs are still my favourite people--but it was so refreshing to sit with people not bogged down with academic concerns and stacks of essays to grade.

    That photo of Hannah so suffused with joy is wonderful--very different than the other photos you post of her. I love it.

    1. Right!?! I like my co-workers, I really do. I just wanted to meet people who do interesting things in different ways from the way we do it!!

      I clearly need to get more photos of goofy Hannah. She's not always serious. It's just she gets so grumpy when I take her photo. I'll work on more action shots.

  13. What's the point of a conference if you want meet new people? Ugh. That's dumb.

    Much more excited about the gnome (haha) and the walk with Hannah. And good for you for gettign the yoga in at night.

    My day was not unusual, but I was at the office yesterday and got a whole lot of socializing done with my co-workers, which was nice.

    1. The conference was pretty frustrating. Oh, well. I made friends with that one lady who I took to the bookstore.

      I did my best with taking photos of unusual things, but when you have a boring PowerPoint kind of day, the photo ops are few and far between!

  14. Yay! Love these posts. :)

    I need to do one of these on a working day because it would really just be photos of my cats in different sleeping positions throughout my workday, haha. I always pick a weekend so I'll have something more exciting to post, but I'm planning on a weekday one soon!

    Cat petting comes first - I know that very well!

    1. Oh, I would love to just see how the girls move around from hour to hour. I'm convinced Zelda stays on her cat tree for most of the hours we're at work based on what she does on the weekends!

  15. I would have gone bonkers in that conference. Kudos to you for not dozing off. At least, not confessing to dozing off. ;)

    1. It was interesting, I promise. Just...I wanted to get to know other people, you know?!

    2. The content was interesting, I promise. It was just a lot of PowerPoint.

  16. okay, I need to ask... You take off your shoes at work? Why? Do you have slippers in your office? is that just you or a rule? OK, I admit I am hung up on that....
