Friday, March 07, 2025

Five for Friday, Edition #17

1) Happy making postcards in the mail! I received beautiful cards from Elisabeth and J! I love getting surprises in my mailbox and it's making me feel like I'm falling behind in my own correspondence. I shall send out those St. Patrick's Day cards sitting on the dining room table ASAP!

2) Does anyone wonder how the smallest creature in the house is the loudest and also the most physically in the way? It's our fault, really, since we trained the dog to GTFO of the kitchen when we are in it, but the cat thinks that if she puts herself in the middle of the damn room, she'll get food. She was right here THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS COOKING DINNER. Bless her little kitty heart. 

3) Anyone want to see the books I have checked out from the library?

*Here Be Dragons (Welsh Princes #1) by Shannon Kay Penman - Dudes, the font is SO SMALL. I am struggling to literally read it.
Pop City: Korean Popular Culture and the Selling of Place by Youjeong Oh - My little BGSU Falcon heart can hardly wait to read this. 
Take a Thief (Valdemar) by Mercedes Lackey
*The Women of Chateau Lafayette by Stephanie Dray - This is my next IRL book club read.
*On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
Death of the Author by Nnedi Okorafor
Empire of Sand (The Books of Ambha #1) by Tasha Suri (ebook)
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman (ebook)

*Big books (over 500 pages)

4) My hairstylist sat me down in the chair and asked what I was looking to have done. "Oh, maybe a bob and bangs," I said, absolutely straight-faced.
"You want bangs?" she said.
"Yeah, and just chop it off. It's driving me crazy."
"You want me to chop it off?"
"Yeah. And some bangs."
She stared at me.
"You don't want bangs. You will hate them."
I laughed.
"You're right. Just take off an inch or so and add some long layers. No bangs."
She laughed. "I nearly had a heart attack."

5) Podcast episode recommendations from me to you:

a) Rob Harvilla's back with 60 Songs That Explain the 2000s. The episode on "Hurt" by Johnny Cash is quite good if you're interested in Rob's thing. 

b) Nate DiMeo's podcasting game is still the best thing in the world. Listen to "Two Postcards" from The Memory Palace. You won't regret that fifteen minutes. 

c) You know how I like a good shipwreck story, right? Well, what happens when someone finds a shipwreck? Who owns it? Should it be excavated? Should it be treated as a mass grave? Boy do I have a Planet Money episode for you! "The Fight for a Legendary Shipwreck's Treasure"

d) I randomly have the 12/13/24 episode of Food News down as something you should listen to. I think it's because at one point one of the hosts is laughing for real and not fake podcasting laughing and I found it super charming. If you're not listening to Food News, why not?

How many books do you have checked out from the library? What book are you going to read next? (Bonus points if anyone can recommend me a good big book - over 500 pages - written by a woman.)


  1. I have about 15 books checked out right now. I take many recommendations from blogs and whatnot and hit the library website to request them. I probably won't read them all, but a girl can dream. And some are for my sons homeschool efforts. Next up is The Diary of Anne Frank ( for him - I try to read everything he's doing, though sometimes I rely on memories and spark motes to get me through.)
    One set of books that was highly recommended was Connie Willis " Blackout" (491 pages) and "All Clear" ( over 600 pages). I'll be reading them to see if they're sonething my son might like. And The count of Monte Cristo is my aspirational read for later in the year. Right now have a hard time getting into new books. ( I will be rereading The Murderbot Diaries over spring break,TBH.
    Tiny font is terrible. I'll sometimes check out the large print version of a book to make my life easier. - mbmom11

    1. Oh, there's no way I am reading all those books. I really want to read Samurai William, but I can tell you right now I'm going to run out of time. Oh, well, I guess I can always get it from the library again later on.

      Oh, Connie Willis! That's a great idea. I adored Doomsday Book, so that's a good shoutout.

  2. To Paradise by Hanya Yanagahara

    1. Seconded! Or her first one _A Little Life_

    2. No. I cherish my mental health too much for this author! Thanks for the recs, but I'm not adding these to my list. :)

    3. OMG I hated _A Little Life_ so much. HATED. JUDE DESERVES BETTER. Do not read it to find out what I'm talking about.

    4. I also hated A Little Life. :)

    5. My daughter hated A Little Life and I hated the other book I read by the author so I might hate-read it some day, but probably not.

  3. Have you read Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead?

    1. No. Great shoutout! I'm adding to the list.

  4. Your hair looks great! I don't think bangs would suit you, honestly. Also bangs are very high maintenance. Engie, did you ever get a Valentine from me? I sent a bunch in late January and the mail is still so shitty here, I wondered if it ever made it to you. I hope so.
    I currently have four books checked out and three more in transit. I just read a book that was over 500 pages and it was by a woman - Marian Keyes - but I'm not sure if you'd like it. I kind of feel like we are in opposite worlds so a book I loved you maybe won't, and vice versa. But if you want to take a look it's called The Woman Who Stole My Life. I'm talking about it on Monday's blog. It was totally my jam, a character driven book. Right now I'm reading All In Her Head, and next on my list is Her First Palestinian.

    1. I had some sides wept bangs for approximately two years at one point and I bitched about them constantly, so I will never have bangs again. Too much work! Too much in the way when I'm working out!

      Hmmm...I added that Keyes book to my list. The description makes it sound good!

    2. OH, yes!! I did get your Valentine. I have it up in my office. Did I not put it on the blog? (Searches) I guess not! Sheesh! I'll do it in my next mail roundup!

    3. Oh, no, it doesn't matter, I just was wondering if the mail was all messed up again!

  5. Is that Food News episode the one with "unique name, not going to give it?"

    1. I just relistened to the last five minutes. YES!! It is. Juliet loses her mind laughing so hard.

  6. Now THAT is one seriously mellow cat! Lizzie manages to be the loudest in the room but generally stays away from the traffic pattern. Bangs are a personal thing but I've been with and without and I will always have bangs. Easy to take care of, always ready to go! But I'm all for whatever works for anyone. The one thing we live with regularly is our hair and we'd better like it!

    1. I never thought about how mellow Zelda is, but you're right. She does not flinch if we're walking around her. We call her Zelda Underfoot a lot. Lizzie has better sense than Zelda, obviously.

  7. And FWIW, I think you'd look AWESOME with bangs!!

    1. Maybe. But I'd be annoyed all the time!

  8. You actually send St Patrick’s Day cards? Don’t get me wrong, I think it is wonderful.

    1. I do. I'm sending about two dozen. It's what I do.

  9. Have you read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell? It's 800 pages and written by a woman. I'm reading it right now and loving it. OH- and there's a Cormoran Strike book coming out in September!!!!!!!
    Love your hair- glad you didn't get bangs : )
    Zelda. Our cat Charlotte does the same thing- she lies right on her back, with her paws sticking up in the air, right where we need to walk. I mean... it doesn't seem very safe or comfortable to me.

    1. YES! I've read Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. I liked it a lot. I still think Piranesi is more my jam, but JS&MN is definitely a masterpiece.

      Oh, Charlotte. Why you gotta be in the way all the time?

  10. I have bangs and often flirt with the idea of growing them out. Then I come to my senses and realize that I don't have Patience. AND I don't have the forehead anymore for Not Bangs. I think you'd look great in bangs, but they're a commitment, and how's your Patience?

    I don't do the library, but I bought two books, The Sinners All Bow and The Indifferent Stars Above. I know I'm late to the TISA party, but I've read a lot of historical/nonfiction about the Donner Party. TSAB is about the actual woman whose death inspired the character of Hester Prynne and The Scarlet Letter, and is written as a sort of true crime story. I'm reading it now; it's pretty good.

    Our longhaired cat Marlowe lies in the middle of all traffic patterns. She never, ever moves or flinches when people walk nearby. We are mere serfs in her queendom.

    1. I do not have the patience for bangs. Also, I'd have to wash my hair more often. That's a no for me.

      The Indifferent Stars Above! I enjoyed it so much. The Sinners All Bow sounds like something I would enjoy!!

      Marlowe and Zelda have no worries that their people will hurt them. That's probably a good thing!

  11. Why yes the smallest critter in the house is always the loudest and most in the way. I don't mean to imply that Doggo is anything but All Dog, but she does have a lot of cat tactics, especially in the underfoot department. Since she's small, dark, and stealthy, she's amazingly good at being where hooman feet want to go. I have an advantage since I lived with cats for so long, but the rest of my family is very naive.

    You made a Very Good Decision not to move forward with the bangs and bob. Congrats!

    I currently have two books checked out on my Kindle. I very much want to read The Secret Book of Flora Lee, but I've had a string of mediocre books so I felt like I needed a palate cleanser first. I started the next book in the Alphabet series last night, and then I'll read Flora.

    1. Yes! Kinsey will never let you down. If I'm in a reading rut, the Alphabet books are definitely a way out of that rut.

  12. I love that your hair stylist knows you well enough to deter you from getting bangs. So few people can pull them off and they are quite a commitment as it would take ages for them to grow back!!

    I have 4 ebooks checked out from the library + 1 physical book that I hope to get to eventually. The boys probably have 15 picture books checked out!! We come home with a huge bag of books everytime we go there but we have a good system for keeping track of them and have yet to lose one although I am probably jinxing myself by saying that! Right now I'm reading "Somewhere Beyond the Sea" which I've heard mixed things about. Next I will read "A Home for the Holidays" which is a Christmas romance but oh well. It looks like Christmas outside with the 10" of snow we got this week.

    1. I did some side swept bangs for a tiny bit of time early on with my stylist and I complained about them incessantly. She (and I) both know I am not a lady who can do bangs.

      I am astonished at how well your library book system works for you. Nice job at not losing any. I can barely keep track of my own, let alone books for kids!

  13. The Weight of Water by Rachel Kadish (592) and Pachinko by Min Jin Lee (512) are two I'd recommend. I'm currently reading The Glassmaker by Tracy Chevalier, but it's only 412 pages. I have The Wedding People and Margo's Got Money Troubles.

    1. I read Pachinko a couple of years ago and thought it was excellent. Unbearably sad, but excellent. I did add The Weight of Water to the list, though!

  14. I sometimes toy with the idea of bangs, but 1. My face is the wrong shape, and 2. Every time I've had them I push them out of my face and resent myself for having them. Being older now, they would be a great way to cover up those forehead wrinkles. You look fabulous with your new hair trim.

    I was going to recommend 'The Bee Sting', which I really enjoyed, but it's written by a man.

    I'm so happy to see Zelda looking so healthy. Are both pets doing well right now? *crossing fingers and sending really GOOD thoughts*

    1. Sometimes I do toy with the idea of bangs to cover up the forehead wrinkles. But then I remember that I'd have to wash my hair every day and the laziness outweighs the vanity.

      I'm currently listening to The Bee Sting (you gave me the audiobook!) and I'm finding it to be a bit of a slog. *sigh* I am hard to please, I guess.

      Both of them do seem to be doing well right now! Woot!!

    2. Oh, I forgot I gave it to you! Bummer that it's a slog for you, I loved it. One thing I dislike about audiobooks is that you can't just give them to someone else or put them in a Little Free Library (or donate them to your big free library)

  15. Ooh, thanks for the "60 Songs" podcast recommendation. I downloaded the "Hurt" episode and will check that out. Sounds like it's right up my alley.

    Have you ever read "The Historian" by Elizabeth Kostova? It's a 704-page epic, though you have to be open to the legend of Count Dracula. Otherwise, "The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue" (VE Schwab) is 448 pages of excellence. It's hard to find 500+ recommendations!

    1. I have read The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. It was my IRL book club read a few years back. I was bitter because I had to buy it. LOL. It was so sad. Why are all the long books sad?

  16. I am 100% with you re bangs. I have done it and have regretted it a few times. I get annoyed if I have hair in/near my face, and also they never lie flat, and you have to wash them a lot more. No thanks.

    The first book that comes to mind when you say long and female author is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. I think it was at the beginning of my audiobook days and it was 30 hours long! I struggled at times in the middle but in the end thought it was a good book.

    1. It really is about how they are constantly in my face when I'm working out and how I have to wash my hair daily. Bangs are not for my lifestyle. LOL.

      I have read The Goldfinch and The Secret History already. Maybe I should read The Little Friend by Donna Tartt? It's over 500 pages long, but I don't know if I've ever heard anyone talk about it.

  17. I've had bangs my whole life. I think I was born with them! They do cover my forehead wrinkles - and they are a pain to maintain. I trim them myself. I tried growing them out once and didn't like how my forehead looked, so I cut them - and everyone I know was like, "Oh thank God! You looked terrible without bangs!"

    1. Ha! I get it. I would not-so-secretly like to cover my giant forehead, but I am too lazy for the maintenance. People will just have to deal with it!

  18. You look great in that photo. Your hair is so pretty.

    I am reading The Hunter rn and I am uncertain what book I will read next. I hope to pick something that is offered in paperback, maybe? I will prob take my next book to Italy so I would like it to be compact. Hmm. I have the book in the Thursday Murder Club collection checked out. Not sure I’ll get to it next though.

    1. The invention of ebooks has made packing reading material for traveling so much easier for me. I don't even worry about the length/heft of books anymore.

  19. Bangs get a bad reputation, but I've had them for years now—curtain bangs, which aren’t too 'bangy.' They’re really not high-maintenance at all.

    I always have books checked out from the library, and I've been doing that since 2020. I’ve never been without a library book in my possession since then, which feels like a huge accomplishment for me since I wasn’t really a reader before that. I might need to add this to one of my random posts. I typically never check out more than 10 books at a time.

    1. Because I had a brief period of time with bangs, I know that they are too much maintenance for me. I have oily hair and with bangs I need to wash DAILY. That's too much for the lazy person I am.

      When the library shut down for the pandemic, I only had FOUR BOOKS checked out. I finished those so quickly and then I was just trying to figure out what to do. I vowed I would never have less than three weeks of material on hand EVER AGAIN.

  20. Girl, why are you messing with your hairdresser?? LOL The poor girl! (Your cut looks great btw!)
    Also, snail mail is the best. The end.

    1. Ha ha. She took the joking well. I knew that she knew that I knew that getting bangs was a terrible idea.

  21. I have no choice but to have bangs - stupid hairline - and I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn't have to have them. They are crazy high maintenance. I would kill for your simple, lovely hairstyle that must look a hundred times less stupid than mine when it gets wet.
    Long book by a woman hmmmm - The Books of Jacob by Olga Tokarczuk? I loved Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, but haven't cracked this one yet.

    1. Oh, my hair looks terrible when it's wet, but it dries pretty well on its own, so that's a true advantage of a simple cut.

      Ohhh!! That's such a good call. I LOVED Drive Your Plow so much. Janina was such a fabulous character.

  22. Small critter, big noise. Yes, that tracks. Glad you avoided the angst of bangs. Somehow no one ever seems to like them once they happen— well everyone other than Zooey Deschanel that is.

    1. Zooey Deschanel would look a thousand times better without bangs. I believe this with all my heart.

  23. Laughing at Zelda taking UP space!
    Awesome on getting snail mail, it's always a lovely surprise when it's not a bill or advertisement.
    Love your haircut. Bangs don't work for everyone and every time I've done that, I've regretted it within a day or so.

    1. Bangs definitely don't work for lazy people. LOL. I can not be responsible for daily hair washing. That's TOO MUCH WORK.

  24. I love having bangs! I'm pretty lazy about keeping them my preferred length, but I like when they are short enough to be a finger width above my glasses.
    I just went to the library at the end of last week and came back with four books that I'm so excited to read. (Plus one cookbook - Vegan Noodles!) There's one book, a romance novel, that involves a two actors in DC performing a musical based on Pride and Prejudice. I mean that checks a lot of boxes for me. It might be terrible, but still I couldn't resist.
    It's taken me a while to get through The Love Songs of W.E.B. DuBois (it's 700 some pages), but I'm finding it pretty gripping. The other big book I love is Middlemarch. Oh also Byatt's Possession. I love that book. Though I read it twenty years ago, so not sure if it will hold up. Oh and Thorn Birds. There's a doozy of a novel.

  25. Take it from someone who is now in the process of growing out my bangs: DON'T DO IT. I think I look better with bangs but I just can't handle the maintenance and only wear them down when I'm going somewhere, lol. But I sweat the most at my hairline so my bangs immediately get sweaty and gross during the summer (and forget about working out). I can get away with JUST washing the bangs (at my bathroom sink) at times, but I mostly find them an annoyance.

    I have 2 physical books, 1 e-book, and 1 audiobook checked out from the library. And I just started Crow Mary by Kathleen Grissom. I'm not sure if I'm in the right mood for a heavy historical fiction read right now, but I'm going to give it a few chapters.
