Elisabeth challenged us all to find gratitude in February, so she created the Finding Joy in Gratitude Collective. Here are my FIGs for last week.
Sunday, February 24
Book club tonight at my house! Hannah was really good. We were a bit worried about so many people in the house, but one is a neighbor she knows really well and one is her vet, so she was pretty chill. We just kept giving her sweet potatoes and then she laid down and just watched us. We've been working really hard on getting her better with people in the house and I THINK IT'S WORKING. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it.
Book club tonight at my house! Hannah was really good. We were a bit worried about so many people in the house, but one is a neighbor she knows really well and one is her vet, so she was pretty chill. We just kept giving her sweet potatoes and then she laid down and just watched us. We've been working really hard on getting her better with people in the house and I THINK IT'S WORKING. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it.
Monday, February 25
I had Blanche the Puppy for an hour today at work. No complaints over here.
Tuesday, February 25
Snail mail alert! Allison sent me an adorable card with a fox on it and a glamour shot of Lucy the Dog.
Wednesday, February 26
My husband was working late tonight, so I brought all my yoga props downstairs and treated myself to a long restorative yin practice using Hannah as my bolster. Just kidding. I don't actually lean on her or anything, but she LOVES it when I do yoga downstairs because that's prime cuddle time. She was touching me during every pose. Bless her little dog heart.
Thursday, February 27
I went to a new-to-me Zumba class with some friends. It was so much fun. At one point, I had no idea what was happening - everyone else seemed to be able to just do the footwork - and I just stood there laughing like a crazy person. Good times.
I went to a new-to-me Zumba class with some friends. It was so much fun. At one point, I had no idea what was happening - everyone else seemed to be able to just do the footwork - and I just stood there laughing like a crazy person. Good times.
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Ignore how my makeup is literally running down my face. |
Friday, February 28
I am finishing up The Blue Castle and so much is happening that I did not expect! Crazy! I am having so much fun with CBBC and I am grateful for everyone who is reading along and participating.
I am finishing up The Blue Castle and so much is happening that I did not expect! Crazy! I am having so much fun with CBBC and I am grateful for everyone who is reading along and participating.
And that's a wrap on FIG February. What's your FIG of the day?
The Blue Castle tho! I went into it with a "yeah yeah fine I'll read this book that I've never heard of by that author that I haven't read since I was in middle school but it's not going to be anything special" attitude and was blown away from page one. A side FIG is that I've looked forward to Mondays for the entire month so that we get to check in and talk about it.
ReplyDeleteI always overthink it when we bring Doggo into social situations, but she usually does fine once she gets the lay of the land and has a few treats in her belly. The funny thing is that if there is another dog around then she is totally fine and chill. It's a complete reversal from Stepdog, who loved people but didn't like other dogs.
You know, I work for cool tech companies and I get perks like company meetings in FL in February, but I do not get to hang out with puppies during the work day. You win!
Yeah, Hannah still does NOT do well with men and I don't know how to ask men I know to volunteer to be tribute, you know? But she has done well with groups of women, so we ARE making progress.
DeleteWell, I might take a few days of above fifty weather right now instead of a puppy, but Blanche has become a nice perk.
It's early and so I don't yet give a fig -- haha, had to say that. Happy FiGs to you though.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm grateful for every morning that I get out of bed!
DeleteI can't wait for tomorrow to talk about those last bonkers chapters of Blue Castle!
ReplyDeleteBlanche the Puppy, though - those big big eyes! Those floppy ears! We don't allow dogs at our work because of allergy issues and what not. I think we're really missing out on an opportunity to bring joy to people's lives.
My Sunday morning FIG is getting to sleep in until 7am.
I mean, technically only service dogs are allowed at my work, but I can't imagine anyone saying anything. I mean, she's five pounds? What damage is she going to do? Also, my dog and cat have been over everything I own, so if someone's allergic to dogs, they're going to have an allergic reaction in my office Blanche or not!
DeleteBlanche is so cute and what a great name for a dog.
ReplyDeleteYay Hannah, she's getting better at having people around! That's such great news! Both of the dogs I have had were really social, particularly Barkley was thrilled to have people around as someone would always pet him.
I wish Hannah were social. She doesn't actually like to be pet or touched, so I think there's very little in it for her to interact with most people and they could potentially be DANGEROUS, so she's always alert.
DeleteBlanche! Puppies make everything better, and I say that as a very satisfied cat person.
ReplyDeleteSo many things happened that I did NOT expect in the last chapters of TBC. Wow! Seriously a fun book that I wish I had gotten in hardback and not free on my iPad.
My best thing this week is that my grandson keeps grabbing his parents' phones and saying "Nana Nana Nana" because he wants to FaceTime with me. As soon as I get on the screen, he smiles hugely and starts babbling and carrying me to all the places we play and read. 💕
Nance! This Theo story is just so, so sweet! I'm loving it with every happy muscle in my face!
DeleteOh, Theo!! That's the sweetest thing ever and just goes to show what a loving grandparent you are!
DeleteOh my goodness! Whenever I was on the phone with anyone, Angus would run toward the phone saying Hi Dama, Hi Dama, and I'd have to call my mom. Being able to FaceTime would have blown our minds. How lovely!
DeleteThank you, everyone. Your responses are so very kind and generous. I appreciate you.
DeleteEngie, I love the picture of Puppy Blanche on your piggy blankie... and Hannah tolerating your book club and petting with you during yoga. It makes me want to go do some yoga myself... what a good influence you and Hannah are! (Also, I had that same experience at Zumba--people seemed to have a vocabulary that I completely unaware of--I loved the music though :) )
ReplyDeleteZumba was hysterical. I don't think I can make it work in my schedule every week, but I'm going to try to go once or twice a month. Hopefully I'll figure it out sooner or later!
DeleteBABY BLANCHE. My card made the wall! I used to do Zumba with my friend Pam and it was similarly fun and hysterical. Lucy is so inconsistent with yoga - sometimes goes somewhere else in the house, sometimes lies on a blanket beside me, sometimes is all over me, which is hilarious. This whole post might be one of my FIGS now.
ReplyDeleteYour card IS up. And now everyone who comes into my office can see how adorable Lucy is.
DeleteWell you know with a question like "What's your FIG of the day?" I'm tempted to say Newton... but I don't suppose that's the kind of answer you want. My gratitude of the day is: Sunshine. Outside. Freezing cold but sunny.
ReplyDeleteWe had a day in the 50s last week, but it was grey and super windy and I was miserable. We had a high of 33 yesterday, but it was sunny and so lovely that Hannah and I went for a walk that was twice as long as our usual walk. The sun makes all the difference!
DeleteYour FIGs of the week were very dog-forward, and I love it! I'm excited that everyone is finishing The Blue Castle so we can discuss the ending. And, I've never tried Zumba- I would be terrible.
ReplyDeleteSo many dogs! It is my truth. I am actually not terrible at these dance-type classes because I've been doing step aerobics and Werq for years, but there was this one dance in particular where I just could not figure it out!! LOL. It was so much fun, though.
DeleteMy gratitude of the day? I've finally started working on my new novel!
ReplyDeleteWoot woot! Congrats!
DeleteIf someone fed me sweet potatoes, I'd be on my best behavior too. ;) Aw, Blanche. So dang cute. I cannot Zumba. No can do. Your 'what's everyone doing?' reminds me of when I tried to do step aerobics a few centuries ago (maybe when Tank was a baby?). I thought I'd just hang in the back of the class - what could go wrong? Well, everyone turned around to face the back wall at one point, and I was clueless and was just staring back at them. I didn't know anyone in the class and I was so self conscious - but it was hilarious. I have so enjoyed The Blue Castle. I didn't expect to like it this much. I agree, so many twists and new info at the end.
ReplyDeleteYes, I was a back of the class lady, but there were quite a few moments when the whole class turned around. I was...always caught unaware! LOL.
DeleteBlanche! Those eyes. And I'm just envisioning you doing yoga with Hannah. Move over Adriene and Benji, it's soon going to be Hannah and Engie...
ReplyDeleteIf I put Hannah's bed right by my mat, she'll stay there. But I need extra comfort these days, so I let her just hang out right next to me on my mat. She's a lovely girl.
DeleteBlanche is too cute! And I would be the same way in a Zumba class! It takes time for me to learn dance steps. It does not come second nature!
ReplyDeleteLet's see, my FIG of today was that Taco slept through the night and didn't wake until 6:10. He was up around 5:30 both days this weekend. When we went to bed last night I told Phil - you know he's going to sleep past 6 on Monday and he was like, "yep, definitely." Sigh. I mean I am glad he slept past 6, but it would have been great if he had done that on Sat and Sun.
I feel like Taco is purposefully trolling you these days. LOL. He's going to grow into a delightful human being and you'll remember these days fondly.
DeleteWell I found out today that he needs tubes again so I am HOPING that when he has tubes and his ear issues are resolved, his sleep will drastically improve!! But time does smooth over the rough times...
DeletePoor little guy. No wonder his sleep is so disrupted!
DeleteBLANCHE THE PUPPY!!!! How fun! And I love that you did yoga with Hannah. The Zumba class sounds terrifying to me and I am very impressed that you tried it and had fun!
ReplyDeleteOh, there's nothing scary about the class. No one is watching anyone else - they're too busy doing their own thing! You could do it.
DeleteBlanche!!!! I’m always happy to see Blanche! Yoga with Hannah and Zumba with friends sounds like fun. Awesome FIGS, Engie!
ReplyDeleteThis was a week with a lot of fun highlights.
DeleteBlanche! What a doll. When Chip was a puppy, I would watch him during the day when I worked from home and it was my FAVORITE thing. So little and cute!
ReplyDeleteI was doing Zumba at the gym for a while and it's so much fun! I am somewhat coordinated so I could do the moves but not in a very stylistic way, lol.
I think Blanche is a chihuahua/dachshund mix, actually. You would LOVE her. When she runs, it is the most adorable thing in the universe.
DeleteI am not coordinated, but I understand a lot of athletic dance choreography because of my dark history of exercise, but Zumba is a whole different ball of wax. Everyone seemed fine with me flailing about and I'm sure I'll get better at it if I continue to go more often.
Blanche! What a cute name for a tiny dog! I wouldn't have minded babysitting her for an hour :) And yay for dog yoga with Hannah! :)
ReplyDeleteIt was a dog heavy week of FIGs. There's nothing wrong with that in my world.