Wednesday, February 05, 2025

January 2025 Accountability Buddy

Wednesday, January 1
40 minute calm & meditative yoga flow with 2Birds - Fiona has a naughty dog! More hotel room yoga. 

Thursday, January 2
10-minute cardio warm up
30-minute bodyweight cardio from Fitness Blender - still doing hotel workouts, so this is what it is
30-minute Yoga with Adriene (I was with Maya!!)

Friday, January 3
30-minute yin yoga with Kassandra
Current set-up. Buffy the Dog is helping. 

Saturday, January 4
Day off

Sunday, January 5
5-minute warm-up with Caroline Girvan
20-minute full body workout with Sydney Cummings
10-minute cardio Pilates

Monday, January 6
30-minute yoga video in the student union at lunchtime

Tuesday, January 7
20-minute dumbbell full body workout (Caroline Girvan)
10-minute no jumping cardio (very boring - do not recommend)
10-minute full body yoga stretch

Wednesday, January 8
25-minute "lots of lunges" leg workout (Caroline Girvan) - So many lunges! I was barely bending my legs by the end of this!
10-minute cardio (MadFit)

Thursday, January 9
30-minute yoga video in the student union at lunchtime

Friday, January 10
Day off

Saturday, January 11
20-minute dumbbell upper body (Caroline Girvan)
10-minute cardio
15-minute yoga cooldown

Sunday, January 12 
I should have done a leg workout today, but I was feel very low-energy, so I went with a chill yoga video.
45-minute yin yoga

Monday, January 13
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime*
20-minute dumbbell full body (Caroline Girvan)
10-minute cardio 
10-minute yoga flow

Tuesday, January 14
30-minute functional strength workout 
10-minute morning yoga flow

Wednesday, January 15
30-minute cardio no jumping

Thursday, January 16
30-minute yoga at the student union during lunch

Friday, January 17
Day off

Saturday, January 18
40-minute strength and conditioning

Sunday, January 19
30-minute reclined yin yoga

Monday, January 20
30-minute cardio 
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Tuesday, January 21
Day off

Wednesday, January 22
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute upper body dumbbell workout

Thursday, January 23
30-minute yoga at the student union during lunch

Friday, January 24
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime

Saturday, January 25
35-minute cardio 

Sunday, January 26
20-minute dumbbell leg workout (Caroline Girvan - Advent day 7)
10-minute abs workout (out of 15-minutes - I ran out of time!)

Monday, January 27
30-minute yoga at the student union during lunch

Tuesday, January 28
45-minute Body Blast class at the community center after work

Wednesday, January 29
Day off

Thursday, January 30
30-minute yoga at the student union during lunch

Friday, January 31
15-minute stretch class at lunchtime
30-minute total body (strength and cardio)

Totals: 25/31 (80.6%) of days 
11 days of yoga
15 days of strength/cardio
5 short 15-minute stretch classes at lunchtime

*Our local healthcare organization does free stretch classes virtually three times a week. Sign up here! It's free. It's fun. It's a delightful break in the middle of the day. You do not have to have your camera on. 

How did your January go? Did you get back into the rhythm of working out after the holiday craziness?


  1. It's so fun you were able to do yoga with Maya!

    1. It was SO MUCH FUN. I should try and fit in yoga with all my visits with bloggers!

  2. Oh yay! A workout with Maya - that is so fun. I hate lunges, so I will stay well away from that CG workout.

    1. I had to laugh at myself because by the end of that workout, I was sort of leaning on my front leg and my legs were rubber. If you're not a lunge fan, I do not think I'd recommend it!

  3. I think I did that lunge workout- from the Advent Series? I keep thinking those workouts will be "easy" because they're only around 20 minutes, hahahahaha! I did the HARD upper body workout today (that's what she calls it) and it was a killer.
    I would imagine Maya is the perfect person to do yoga with!

    1. Yep, the Advent series. I tried to get through all of them, but sometimes CG's workouts are repetitive and boring, so I'm still trying to get through them. Maybe I'll get through them and then start over again!

  4. And here I was thinking *Engie* was the perfect person to do Yoga with because she is SO CONSISTENT with daily exercise! Also we were with Jules (virtually) and Nicole (via Yoga club!)

    1. It was such a great idea! I'm glad you thought of it!!

  5. I like your mat. I also like that you are consistent in your yoga practice, but can't help wondering if I'd do better if I had a prettier mat. Who me, shallow much?

    1. That is my travel mat! It's super thing and has no traction. LOL. But it folds up nicely, so I take it with me when I travel. I always feel like if I take it with me, I should actually use it, right?!

  6. I first read 'dumbbell workout' as doorbell workout, and I was like Hmm - is that like a lot of ding dong ditches, or running? Ha. I am in my regular workout routine, but I would do better if I set an alarm and got up early. I've been setting my alarm for the latest possible time in case I NEED the sleep, so if I wake up and have time for a full workout - that's a bonus. But often, I'm doing a short stint on the bike or a little strength before the tots got dropped off. Some of these 10 minute workouts would be perfect for the time slot that I end up with.

    1. The way I see it is that ten minutes is better than zero minutes. I just do what I can and sometimes that means doing shorter workouts. I think you have to decide on health goals and if you prioritize sleep, then something else has to go!

  7. YOGA WITH MAYA. I wish I could consider doing yoga with anyone, but I am so inept I would worry that they would spend all their time laughing until they injured themselves or being concerned that I'm about to injure myself. I had the same yoga mat! I gave it to Eve because I needed something thicker for my Osgood-Schlatter knees.

    1. Yeah, if I'm being perfectly truthful, that mat is not very good. It even bothers my knees and I don't usually have complaints about them.

      You can do yoga with other people! They're so involved in what they are doing that they aren't even looking at you, I promise!!

  8. I am just so impressed you keep exercising on the road. I'm a wuss and do nothing but eat bon bons and read books.
    I clicked through on some of your workouts and I love the MadFit workouts, but have never done that cardio one and that full body flexibility is right up my alley! I'm going to reference this post and get some new ideas for at-home workouts.

    1. It was a stressful trip, to be honest, and I needed a little stress relief. I find it hard to do anything when I am on a pleasure trip, to be honest. So, I get it. Sometimes you just need to completely relax!

  9. You are so disciplined with your yoga.

    I find exercise, especially outdoors, to be very stressbusting. Lucky you, to be able to exercise with blogfriends, too!

    1. I haven't done much exercise outdoors recently. Hopefully soon I will be able to go for the occasional run or something.

  10. I'm great with the cardio stuff, but really need to add strength and conditioning.

    1. Yeah, I tend to put off strength training, too. I might have to tweak my quarterly goals to include more strength training. I just hate it so much! But I don't want my bones breaking down, so I guess I have to do it.
