Friday, July 28, 2017

2017 CSA Week 8: Another Delightfully Usable Basket!

I was pumped when I got the email about this week's basket. I think we can easily use everything. 

Heirloom tomatoes (3)
Sungold (a type of cherry) tomatoes
Cucumbers (3 giant ones!)
Fresh onion (3)
Cabbage (1 head)
Peppers (3)
Papicha (a cilantro-esque herb I've never heard of and am super suspicious of since cilantro is disgusting)

This is remarkably easy. I will eat most of it raw: cukes, carrots, tomatoes, and peppers.  I will buy a kohlrabi and maybe some fennel at the Farmers' Market tomorrow morning and make a slaw (I described my go to slaw here) with the cabbage.  We actually did put some of the fresh onion in a couple of recipes we made last week, so we might have a shot at using some of those in dinner recipes.  Dr. BB has been using lettuce in his sandwiches and stuff, so that's where that will go.

The papicha smells like cilantro and I am not sure I'm going to have the gumption to try it, although if we make tacos this week, I might try a teeny tiny bit on one.  We'll see.

Done and done. I like this high season with lots of delicious yummy vegetables that are easily eaten raw.

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