Wednesday, February 18, 2015

9.18 Favorite Memories - Shark Selfie

Bestest Friend and I are in the middle of a blog project. Each day of the month we will post a picture on a pre-determined theme and write a little something about it. The theme for the eighteenth day of each month is "Favorite Memories."
At some point this past weekend, Dr. BB accidentally forgot his phone in our hotel room which meant that I gave him my cell phone when we split up at the Mall of America.

When I got my phone back, I found this photo as the wallpaper.
My husband took a selfie with the shark that wanders around the Mall of America as an advertisement for the mall's aquarium.  And he took that selfie on my phone.

For those of you who have never met my husband, let me assure you that this is not a usual thing for him. I don't know if he's ever taken a selfie before. I've never seen him give a thumb's up, let alone in a photograph.  He's a serious man with serious thoughts and a serious reputation and while he is occasionally silly with me, it's a fact that of the two of us, I am the one who is going to act like a teenager.

So when he texted me and this showed up on the screen of my phone, I laughed until it hurt. And then laughed some more.
To see what Bestest Friend wrote about the theme of the day, check out her blog, Too Legit to Quit.


  1. It's so funny, but I think of him as very funny and silly. He engages in lots of surrealism and sarcasm when I visit you. He sang Bon Jovi to you!
